Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad, Nasser Bourita, said Thursday that the renewal of relations between Morocco and Israel is a factor that will strengthen the dynamics of peace in the Middle East. Iterviewed by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) TV channel, on the sidelines of its annual meeting, he said that for Morocco, it is a «normal step, a step of conviction, but also an investment in peace and a way to deepen the strong relationship between Morocco and the Jewish community». «His Majesty King Mohammed VI said that Morocco's decision in December was not an opportunistic one. It is a natural decision due to its ties with its Jewish community and to the historic involvement of Morocco in peace», the minister stressed. «We hope that all efforts will be made from all sides, including on the part of Israel, to promote genuine peace, a peace which will preserve Israel's security and stability, but which allows also Palestinians to enjoy their rights», he said. Commenting on the exceptional relations between Morocco and members of its Jewish community, Bourita said that «to understand the relationship with Israel, you should link it to the relationship with the Jewish community». «The Jewish population has lived in Morocco for centuries. It is part of the Moroccan population. It enriched the Moroccan identity. And that is why our constitution is perhaps the only one in the Arab and Islamic world, which mentions the Jewish component among the important components of Moroccan identity». Referring to the significant efforts made for the preservation of Moroccan Jewish identity and legacy, Bourita said that «His Majesty ordered the renovation of nearly 170 cemeteries and holy places in Morocco, and more than 20 synagogues have been restored». Asked about the prospects for bilateral relations, Bourita said that after the declaration on the renewal of relations, a trilateral agreement was signed, a few days later, between Morocco, Israel and the United States. Since then, «we have taken significant steps to translate this declaration into reality, the liaison offices have been opened in Rabat and Tel Aviv, and they are now working normally with diplomats and participating in events in Israel and also here in Morocco». Second, he said, at least eight ministers have had contact with their Israeli counterparts, which led to the signing of several cooperation agreements in various sectors. «We have also created eight working groups on diplomacy, security, water, agriculture, tourism, etc., in which we need to deepen cooperation. The flights will be open, the constraint is precisely this COVID context, but we also plan to have direct flights between Morocco and Israel to encourage interpersonal cooperation. We have also set up platforms for businesses. There is a Moroccan Israeli business council that was created and a Moroccan Israeli chamber of commerce was also created a few weeks ago», said Bourita.