The government delegation in Ceuta announced on Thursday that more than 200 Moroccans have already registered on a list of foreign nationals, stranded in the city since March and wishing to return home. According to Ceuta TV, the government delegation explained that the list is made available to Moroccans. The Spanish media recalls that the list is meant to keep the contact details of these Moroccans pending the organization of repatriation operations, such as those held in May and October 2020. For several weeks, the government delegation has been negotiating the possibility of organizing another repatriation operation to facilitate the return of these people who were stranded in Ceuta following the closure of the border in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While waiting to reach an agreement with the Moroccan authorities, the delegation stressed that those who still wish to register can do so via two telephone numbers made available to them.