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2007 Elections
Publié dans Jeunes du Maroc le 21 - 09 - 2006

Some try to enter the political queues, and sets him advantages, tells of the elections for one third of the advisers, and putting the final touches on the 2007 elections and “estrslon” census in those advantages and benefits. Anyway, it benefits users, but, inevitably, not benefits citizens.
Talking about the elections to renew one third of the Advisory Council, which, in any case, indirect elections for the body is no unanimity on the usefulness and everybody knows the circumstances and reasons for its formation. And to forget that direct elections were in 2002 for the no unanimity on the necessity, which is the House of Representatives, The market for various types of propaganda, visible and invisible, The promises that it will be a different fairness and transparency, programs and... spent Mullahier for success, but failed not only attracts very few citizens attended mostly hoping to make money or to appease recently, Own or obedience to authority. Would concerned citizens with the knowledge that the results are known in advance, and the conviction that there is no ability for the winners on anything, To their knowledge of the fraud, forgery, will be doomed to whatever broken the Ministry of the Interior, that they were really interested in fairness, of injunctions and preventive action because of creative capabilities for those who are accustomed to corruption than internal procedures. Busy citizens would not benefit those users because they have their private incomes and benefits Special.
Forget that those who enter the political distinguishes this is the huge increases in the prices of basic materials for the citizen's life (water-electricity-gasoline-sugar-Transport...) And to forget that what distinguishes our political every season is largely millions of families patience embarrassing for easy : the education of the children and to cover the expenses of the study and blocked the horizon for their children even got certificates and excelled. When entering the political Moroccans mean enrolment batches of graduates pick broken heights in finding Itojon filled by academic career, hope turns with the passage of time to dream, and then a nightmare, Leyenda, and the rest is known to all who live in this country. Enter at the Moroccan political means receiving the autumn and winter rains Starry the fragility of infrastructure and the size of manipulation and fraud in the construction of roads, sewerage and water networks Wad warm, and how will reveal lying when officials while providing their social Morocco neighbourhood and the new and great achievements. We will see all regions of the country isolated, and roads closed, houses demolished, and families stretched out on the ground and wrapped up in the sky.
Moroccans will be sure this time that the country is not ready to face the rain and heat, They are those who suffered during the summer of tragedies with trains performing expensive prices without conditioners and minimum conditions of rest where the dead are as sardines crammed in boxes Altassber, not to mention the delays and ... and they have discovered the poor transport buses were in poor vulnerable to the price of the ticket brokers multiplier times the unchecked. Enter at the Moroccan political means in search of better conditions to take advantage of advances by covering the expenses of schooling, clothing and living, they became an easy prey to the credit institutions which absorbs blood and the "erosion of race," the encouragement of the government, which allows the system usury exponentially. Enter at the Moroccan political means in anticipation of the worst fear of a factory closes and workers dismissed because neither the ability of our economy to competition. And we all know the reason for this and its consequences for the country and the citizens, or because of privatization, have become the magic solution to ease the budget deficit, requiring that.
When entering the political means waiting for the Moroccan king says, in his opening address to the legislative year at the beginning of October, They know that the king is everything and say everything, and he has everything, and the rest of Khaddam and implementing, the feasibility of concern "thalilathm" and their programs and speeches. Enter the political, incidentally, even when politicians mean expectation for this speech, he Sishtglon it, extracted from Darr and theories and programs, plans and fill the newspaper pages and hours of broadcasting on radio and television. The tribunes. These users may be right when talking about the political entry because they were in the holiday, some of whom have left the country. Some of them forgot policy, including the Stay away from all the quotes. They are right when they say that they are about to enter a political understanding of who was in that annual holiday pay, and a policy of public service. As citizens they are always in the political arena, they went to involuntarily since they broke into existence, since birth, born in hospitals do not provide minimum safety requirements, and graduated from the family expenses birth to start suffering telemedicine and lactation, and when the other boy pupils suffering with the high cost of living Bothirh missile, Even after graduation, it is damaged or employee is paid does not cover the fourth possessions, then resumes its historic session with his children. When entering the political Moroccans coincide with the autumn as falling leaves Lies and changing weather, and please everyone that it was falling bastions of corruption and devastate the wind of change Baljathmin to us thieves, our wealth.
Enter at the Moroccan political means SERIAL bracketed him and watching television on Wednesday and Tuesday, exposing the vulnerability and Hzalthm officials and the young. Enter as political opportunists Itohmah artificially, the real incomes as it is lived citizens suffering and despair grinder and grind minds and wills and shivers.

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