Spanish National Police arrested on Friday, in Mataro, a Moroccan national, considered as a «dangerous terrorist» who has just returned from Syria. According to Europa Press, which quotes a statement issued by the Interior Ministry, the Moroccan man left his country in May 2014 to settle down in Iraq and Syria. Investigations revealed that the man in question entered Spain in June 2018, after returning from Syria through several countries, including Turkey. The alleged terrorist reportedly roamed Europe without any ID, following the usual practice of destroying passports and identity cards to avoid identification by security forces, adds the Spanish Interior Ministry. «The knowledge acquired in the terrorist organization's training camps on the use of weapons and its extreme radicalism makes the detainee a real threat capable of carrying out a terrorist action», the same source added. His arrest took place thanks to an international arrest warrant issued by Morocco in collaboration with the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST, Morocco) and the National Intelligence Center (Spain).