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The King's tour to Gulf states : Will Mohammed VI succeed in putting an end to the Qatar crisis ?
Publié dans Yabiladi le 07 - 11 - 2017

King Mohammed VI has started a tour of the Gulf countries on Tuesday with the Qatar crisis on top of the agenda. The Sovereign has arrived in Abu Dhabi for a friendship and working visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is expected to be received in Qatar on Sunday.
King Mohammed VI arrived this morning in Abu Dhabi for a friendship and working visit to the United Arab Emirates that is expected to include Qatar-related talks. The Sovereign's tour is taking place in a tense context. Indeed, the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman has ordered the arrest of some political and economic figures in the Gulf country, namely Baker Bin Laden, the chairman of the Jeddah-based Saudi Binladin Group and the largest shareholder in the group, and Prince Al Walid Ben Talal, a Saudi businessman, billionaire, investor and philanthropist.
The King's tour to Gulf countries is set to relaunch bilateral relations, affected by Morocco's refusal to participate to the blockade imposed on Qatar since June, a crisis that was initiated by Abu Dhabi.
King Mohammed VI and the Gulf countries crisis
Once again, Morocco is trying to play the role of a mediator helping the Gulf countries to overcome their conflict. After a first unsuccessful attempt, the Moroccan Sovereign is left with a geostrategic condition that might help him convince the enemy-brothers to bury the hatchet.
Indeed, a possible war between Iran and Saudi Arabia could upset the balance. Doha, which was accused of supporting terrorism and destabilizing the region, is now considered as a secondary enemy for the UAE and Bahrain. The two countries would be directly affected by the eventuality of an armed conflict between Ryadh and Tehran.
After the Houthis rebels fired a ballistic missile at a Riyadh airport on Saturday, the Saudi Crown Prince spoke of a " direct military aggression by the Iranian regime", that may be considered an act of war. The growing tension between the two states is benefiting the strong man in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is trying to establish his authority.
Morocco and financial aid
In addition to the political aspects, economics form a crucial part in the royal agenda. Morocco is relying heavily on the help of its friends from the Gulf Cooperation Council to carry out its investment projects both in the country and in Africa. The Emirates and Qatar are able to provide the necessary funds for development programs launched in several regions of the Kingdom. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia currently has other priorities.
The two royal visits take place in a particular context for the Moroccan economy. The continent's currency reserves are drying out. On October 27th, they fell by 8.3% compared to the same period a year ago, says the Moroccan central bank.
Macron and Hariri also in Abu Dhabi
In the United Arab Emirates, King Mohammed VI will attend on November 11th, the opening ceremony of the "Louvre-Abu Dhabi Museum". An opportunity for him to meet in particular with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and the Saudi-Lebanese politician Saad Hariri.
The former Lebanese Prime Minister plans to leave Ryadh, where he announced his resignation on Saturday, to go to Abu Dhabi and talk with Crown Prince Mohamed Ben Zayed.

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