Morocco was ranked 78th among 128 countries by the 2017 Social Progress Index, a multi-indicator index that assesses the social and environmental performance of different countries. The annual survey identifies Morocco as one of the lower middle social progress nations. The 2017 Social Progress Index, an annual survey dedicated to measuring the progress made by a set of countries in terms of social and environmental development has ranked Morocco 78th out of 128 states. The report put together by the non-profit American Progressive Association and the Harvard Business school suggests that the Kingdom is one of the 25 countries that have shown lower to middle social progress. With a combined score of 65.25 points, the North African nation managed to exceed last year's results moving from 86th with 133 countries to 78th this year. Preceded by Algeria, ranked 75th, Morocco was 6th in the Arab world leaving behind countries like Egypt 82nd, Mauritania 113th and Yemen 122nd. The international survey's ranking took into account social and environmental outcomes and intended not to rely on the most commonly used economic indicators such as GDP or per capita income. The index was inspired by the principles set by Joseph Stiglitz, the Noble Prize Laureate economist, on how to better measure social wellbeing. Morocco slightly progressing The indicator included a set of sub-indicators in three areas : Basic human needs «nutrition, water and shelter», Foundations and well-being «access to basic knowledge, telecommunications and environmental conditions» and Opportunities «political rights, freedoms, tolerance, discrimination and higher education». Morocco was placed 71st in the Basic human needs profile indeed, 70th in the Foundations and well-being sub index and 89th in the Opportunities one. Globally, the 2017 Social Progress index was topped by Denmark 1st, Finland 2nd, Iceland 3rd, Norway 4th and Switzerland 5th. In the Arab world, Kuwait was ranked first followed by Tunisia, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. For the authors of the yearly report, the Social Progress index provides data to help «provide a concrete framework for understanding and then prioritizing an action agenda, advancing both social and economic performance».