The United Nations' «Sustainable Development Solutions Network» released its annual report on «World Happiness for the year 2024», ranking Morocco 112th globally.
Coinciding with the world's celebration of the International Day of Happiness on March (...)
The Northern Raid – The History of the Barbary Corsair Raids from Salé and Algiers on Iceland in 1627 is the first book in French to make previously unpublished Icelandic sources accessible, documenting the 17th-century corsair raids on Iceland by (...)
The Democracy Index 2024 report, published by the British newspaper The Economist today, ranked Morocco 91st globally out of 167 countries, placing it in the category of hybrid regimes.
Morocco ranked 91st globally out of 167 countries in the 2024 (...)
The Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad has announced the deployment of a 272-member mission from February 27 to April 1, 2025, to provide religious support to Moroccan expatriates during Ramadan.
This delegation includes 38 (...)
Starting October 17, 2024, Iceland's Play Airlines will offer twice-weekly direct flights between Reykjavik and Marrakech. This marks the first direct air connection between Iceland and Morocco.
The Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT) announced (...)
In its Freedom on the Net report, Freedom House classified Morocco as a partially free country, scoring 54 out of 100 points, up from 51 the previous year. The report highlights ongoing violations of users' rights and content restrictions, (...)
Morocco ranked 137th globally in the World Economic Forum's 2024 Global Gender Gap Report, placing it near the bottom in terms of gender equality worldwide.
Morocco ranked 137th out of 146 countries in the World Economic Forum's latest Global Gender (...)
The Institute for Economics and Peace placed Morocco 78th globally out of 163 countries in its 2024 Global Peace Index, up from 84th last year (on Tuesday, June 11th).
The Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) published its 18th (...)
At the International Robotics Championship, First Lego League Open European Championship (OEC) 2024, held in Norway, Moroccan teams shone brightly among the competition's 50 teams representing around forty different countries.
The 3andi Blasti team (...)
Morocco has advanced three places in the 2023/2024 Human Development Index, published by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), moving from 123rd globally to 120th.
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Index (...)
A delegation of 274 imams and theologians is participating in the Hassan II Foundation's Ramadan 2024 program for Moroccans living abroad. This group aims to support fellow citizens in their countries of residence through talks, Quran recitation (...)
Icelandic budget airline PLAY will launch the first-ever direct route to Morocco, Simple Flying reported on Tuesday. Starting in October, the new route will link Reykjavik to the popular Moroccan city of Marrakech twice a week, on Thursdays and (...)
According to the recently published Democracy Index 2023 by The Economist, Morocco ranks 93rd globally out of 167 countries, falling within the «hybrid regimes» category.
Morocco climbed two spots in the recently published Democracy Index 2023 by (...)
Morocco joined, Friday, the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), a global initiative to accelerate the fossil-fuel phase out of coal-fired power stations, Reuters reported.
Morocco «will work together with the PPCA to develop a plan for phasing (...)
Dans son dernier rapport sur les pénuries d'eau dans le monde, l'ONG environmental World Resources Institute (WRI) a actualisé ses données sur le manque de ressources hydriques dans le monde.
25 pays représentant 25% de la population mondiale font (...)
أعلنت الخارجية الروسية، اليوم الثلاثاء، عن تسهيلات في سفر رجال الأعمال والسياح من خلال إطلاق موقع إلكتروني للتأشيرات الصالحة لمدة 16 يوما خلال فترة 60 يوما.
وأوضحت أن هذا الخيار متاح لرعايا 55 دولة، من بينهم دول الاتحاد الأوروبي ودول آسيوية، بتكلفة (...)
Près de 10.500 visas de travail provisoires seront accordés par le Royaume-Uni pour faire face à des pénuries de main-d'oeuvre.
La Grande Bretagne a décidé d'accorder jusqu'à 10.500 visas temporaires, dans le but d'endiguer la pénurie de main (...)
The health crisis linked to the pandemic of the new coronavirus seems to have an impact on happiness among Moroccans, according to the global report of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, published on the occasion of the (...)
Major European countries halted, earlier this week, the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine as a precautionary measure over blood clots fears. The same vaccine has been administered in Morocco since January.
On Monday, France halted the use of the (...)
AstraZeneca defended, Thursday, the safety of its shots after a number of countries paused the use of the vaccine. «Regulators have clear and stringent efficacy and safety standards for the approval of any new medicine, and that includes COVID-19 (...)
The Emirati health authorities have announced that travelers coming from a number of countries, including Morocco, will no longer have to observe a quarantine when entering the country. However, Moroccan travelers have to undergo a PCR test at the (...)
Auto Hall vient de dévoiler la nouvelle Ford Focus au Maroc. Une version restylée de cette compacte qui se situe à mi-chemin entre une grande Fiesta et une BMW Série 1.
Ford inaugure la 4ème génération de sa compacte vedette qui figure depuis une (...)
Nationals from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia stranded in Morocco will be repatriated this Friday from Mohammed V airport in Casablanca.
According to Nikolaj Harris, Denmark's ambassador to Morocco and Mauritania, (...)
Settled down in Spain for more than 21 years, artist Mohamed Ziani made more than ten artistic collaborations around the world performed in more than 300 concerts across Europe and Morocco and managed to create his own fusion music style.
Born in Al (...)
يتدفق كثير من الأشخاص إلى مناطق طبيعية خلابة لالتقاط بعض الصور ونشرها على إنستغرام. غير أن سلوكهم غير المسؤول يساهم في تدمير الطبيعة. هكذا يفسد المؤثرون في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بعض الأماكن المذهلة التي يحبونها:
بعد فصل الشتاء الذي كان غنياً (...)