The American citizen Amani Al-Khatahtbeh has been through the worst moments of her life when she arrived to Nice airport. The journalist was force to take off her scarf by the police as she stated in a long Facebook post and tweet, Le Figaro reports. The founder of MuslimGirl was invited to judge the Cannes Lions festival last Friday, she says on her Facebook page narrating what happened in the airport. Once arrived to France, a police officer refused to stamp her passport because she was wearing a veil. She was then taken to «an isolated police station in airport». «He kept responding to my question of why I need to take my scarf off if it's not for security reasons by pervertedly repeating, 'you are in FRANCE and in France I want to see your hair!' . She continued explaining that : «I very firmly responded, 'you're not going to see my hair,' he got extremely hostile and aggressive with me and insisted it was the LAW. I said that's fine, but I'll only show it to a female officer». After this, her passport was stamped. The young woman refused to stay there asking the police officer for his ID number. The man confiscated her passport and informed her that she will be deported to New York. When she said that she is a journalist, she was asked to keep «her mouth shut is she wanted to make it out of the airport». Gérar Araud, the current ambassador of France to the United States reacted to the affair on tweeter responding to the young journalist saying : «I have no reason to believe or not to believe this person. Up to the judge to decide». I have no reason to believe or not to believe this person. Up to the judge to decide. — Gérard Araud (@GerardAraud) 16 juin 2017 The journalist has contacted a French lawyer while the Mayor of Cannes was informed about what happened by Amani's colleagues during the festival.