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Un Egyptien et sa femme marocaine molestés et humiliés à bord d'un avion roumain (vidéo)
Publié dans Barlamane le 20 - 07 - 2019

Un citoyen égyptien a été sévèrement battu vendredi par la police roumaine dans un avion à destination de Bucarest à cause du sac de sa femme marocaine. La brutalité de l'action a engendré une panique parmi les passagers et les enfants de ce couple.
Selon la déclaration du chef de la communauté égyptienne expatriée en Roumanie, Abdullah Mubasher, au site égyptien « Sada Al-Balad », un homme de nationalité égyptienne marié à une femme marocaine, a été molesté par la police roumaine à bord d'un vol à destination de Bucarest. Retour sur les événements.
Une des hôtesses du vol aurait demandé à l'épouse de l'Egyptien de mettre dans les porte-bagages, un sac qu'elle avait laissé à côté d'elle sur un siège à proximité de l'issue de secours.
مصرى يتعرض هو واسرته للعنصرية من مضيفة طيران الخطوط الرومانية اثناء سفرهم من باريس إلى مصر والترانزيت فى بوخارست ويتم إخراجهم من الطائرة بطريقة مهينه جدا لإنهم لا يتحدثون الإنجليزية ولنشوب خلاف بسبب شنطة يد بها الباسبورات رغم تنفيذهم لأوامر الكابتن بتغيير المقعد بجوار باب الطوارئ!!!! بعد تواصل أهل الضحيه معى شخصيا وابلاغى بما تم ذكرة تواصلت مع د. عبدالله مباشر نائب رئيس الجالية المصرية فى رومانيا مشكورا رغم عدم تواجدة فى رومانيا للعطله تواصل مع المجنى عليه لدعمه واكد على استعدادة لمتابعة كل التطورات مع السفارة المصرية برومانيا ووزارة الهجرة المصرية لملاحقة شركة الطيران الرومانية قانونيا فى حاله ثبات اى مخالفات ومن داخل رومانيا.وهذة شهادة لأحدى الراكبات التى تعرض اطفالها أيضا للخوف مما حدث لاب وام امام ابنهمFlight number RO0101 from Bucharest to Cairo. On 16 July 2019 we took a 8:00 pm flight from Amsterdam to Cairo via Bucharest. The hell started during the transit, we had around 35-40 minutes for the transit in Bucharest (12pm). There were people from at least three flights that had to go through the security control, and only one X-ray airport scanner was available in a tiny hall. It reminded me of the horrible movies about crowded breading conditions causing stress-related behaviors in pigs. The situation was ridiculous and funny until my 4 years old son was trapped between people that were rushing to get through the security check to catch their flights and when the security started making jokes about people who did not place their belts in special baskets (it was a mass and everyone was rushing). I did not get the comfort that the security checks were thoroughly conducted. Luckily, the flight was delayed and we managed to get on the plane. On the plane we understood that a lady who was siting next to the emergency exit and who did not speak English or Romanian (she spoke French) did not understand or did not want to get the instructions with respect to the emergency exit rules. At the end she was sited next to me (at the end of the aircraft). Few minutes later the security came and asked for her passport and requested her to leave the aircraft because that was the decision of the captain. Even the security was not addressing to me, the attitude was quite threatening on the side of the security. The lady obviously did not understand the request since she spoke no English or Romanian. We asked the security to provide a translator to ensure that the lady understands what she is required to do. The security answered that they can not provide a translator and that there is no need for a translator since they speak English (it is an international language). The passengers asked why she is requested to leave the aircraft and the answer was "Because I said so". Later we found out that the reason for requesting the lady to leave the aircraft was not that she did not understand or did not want to follow the instructions related to the emergency exit rules but because she spitted on one of the flights attendants (security). It is not difficult to imagine what was the lady going through when the attitude was not that friendly and people were tired. Of course spitting is not an appropriate reaction. We asked the security to find a solution to the situation to avoid any escalations and delays, but the security did not take into consideration the signs of an emerging escalation. The security was repeating that this is the captain's order. In the meanwhile the lady who suffers of diabetes had an attack, urgently medicines had to be administrated and sugar given. Later the paramedics have twice been requested to assist the lady. We requested to talk to the captain to find a plausible solution to the situation, but we were refused to talk to the captain (later we were explained that the rules did not allow the captain to talk to the passengers). The videos show that the situation was far from safe for the passengers and the handlings by the security were having opposite results from calming down the situation. I remember that in that high tension situation while the security tried to pull out the lady, her husband and their child from the aircraft, the security people were surrounded by passengers and their weapons were not under the visor of the security people, luckily no one passenger snapped in that highly volatile situation to make use of the unsupervised weapons. The security did not take account that there were a lot of children, old people and people with disabilities on the plane. One person with disabilities became unwell and assistance of the paramedics was requested again (you can see on the video the desperate look of her son when he was asking for help). The lady's husband was removed from the airplane in a very unpleasant condition for passengers and crying children. The lady was removed from the plane in very bad health conditions. I hope the reports will show the correct information regarding the lady's health condition at that moment. I overheard the second paramedics team stating that her condition was very bad. When requesting the security to act reasonable, threats were coming as I should take care that I am not escorted too from the airplane. After two hours of highly stressful situation and without water, the passengers left the airplane. I did not understand whether removing of the passengers was an indication coming from the security or the passengers decided to leave due to the unbearable conditions. On the ground, no one asked if there are people or children that require assistance. I asked twice for water to be provided to people, the water was provide only after one hour (I cant believe it is that difficult to find bottles of water on an international airport to give some comfort to people). When I asked for the second time for water, the ground flight attendant told me that I should wait, otherwise the assistance of security will be requested to handle me. At the end, we were provided meals and water, and a flight was arranged around 5am. Of course it is not polite to spit on a person, but no one tired to understand what was the lady's condition: was she sick, tiered, threatened or scared. Her husband did not have any feeling of trust towards the security, he was saying that he is afraid to provide them with their passports. By using authority and ego, did not help to calm down the situation but contrary instigated unrest on the plane which is unacceptable on an international airport of a EU country. My son asked me never to fly via Romania. I could understand his request, but it hearted me. Romania is my second home country (I am originally from Moldova) and I wish for those countries that people are treated with respect and dignity. . #TAROM #European_Commission #EASA – #European_Aviation_Safety_Agency #EU
Publiée par Youssef Abdelkader sur Jeudi 18 juillet 2019
La dame en question a invoqué sa crainte de se séparer de son sac contenant objets personnels et passeports de la famille à bord, pour ne pas s'exécuter. Ce faisant, l'hôtesse lui aurait demandé de changer de place, le sac ne pouvant occuper une place près de l'issue de secours, pour des questions de sécurité. La passagère aurait refusé d'obtempérer. Le mari aurait pris part à la discussion. S'ensuivit l'intervention musclée de la police roumaine, traitant le cas avec une violence rare, comme si les deux passagers étaient des terroristes, sous les yeux de leurs enfants et des passagers.
Mr Mubasher a à cet effet déclaré que la gestion de la situation qui s'apparentait à de la barbarie soulevant une vague de panique parmi tous les passagers, est soumise à enquête avec les autorités concernées et traitée également par le ministère égyptien de l'Immigration et des Expatriés ainsi que les chancelleries du Maroc et d'Egypte.

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