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Diaspora #381 : Mehdi Chraibi, the journey of a lawyer committed to Geneva
Publié dans Yabiladi le 22 - 03 - 2025

In Geneva, Mehdi Chraibi navigates both law and politics. As a lawyer specializing in immigration law and a dedicated advocate for freedoms, he represents a generation that believes politics should be about direct engagement and tangible action.
Born in Casablanca and raised in Tangier, Mehdi Chraibi embodies a rich cultural heritage. «Tangier is a city between two shores, open to the world», he says with a touch of nostalgia. Yet, after high school, he chose Switzerland for his studies, a decision that proved to be a turning point. In Geneva, he discovered a society where work ethic is paramount and integration is measured by civic engagement.
Initially drawn to political science, he became fascinated by institutions and power dynamics. But theory alone wasn't enough. «Understanding how politics works was exciting, but I wanted to be a participant, not just an observer», he recalls. This realization led him to law—a natural path for someone eager to take action.
A Lawyer for Social Justice
After earning his law degree, Chraibi joined the Geneva Bar and built a reputation as a dedicated attorney. At OA Legal, he handles a broad range of cases—criminal, administrative, contract law, and debt collection—but immigration law is especially close to his heart. Having navigated migration himself, he understands the challenges immigrants face, particularly when dealing with complex bureaucratic systems.
One of his most significant cases set a precedent in Geneva. He defended undocumented immigrants who, after living in Switzerland for over a decade, applied for residency—only to be convicted for illegal stay based on the very documents they submitted. «It was absurd: they were asked to prove their presence, then punished for it», he says. His efforts helped drive key legal reforms.
Bringing Politics Closer to the People
Politics had always intrigued him, but he didn't want to enter the field without real-life experience. He spent years observing local issues and noticed a growing disconnect between politicians and citizens. One statistic stood out: only 30–35% of Geneva's voters participate in municipal elections. «It's not apathy—it's accessibility. We speak to people in a technocratic language that feels disconnected from their daily lives», he explains.
Determined to bridge this gap, he joined the Liberty and Social Justice movement, a party that prioritizes pragmatism over ideology. «Partisan divides often stall progress. What matters are practical solutions», he says.
One of his key proposals is introducing local referendums, inspired by the Swiss model. This would allow residents—regardless of nationality—to vote on issues directly affecting their neighborhoods, such as urban planning and public transport. «Foreigners can vote in municipal elections after eight years, but if they're not engaged before that, how can we expect them to suddenly take interest?»
Between Modernity and Tradition
Married to a Swiss-Italian, Chraibi navigates multiple cultures daily. A passionate cook, he enjoys giving Moroccan dishes a contemporary twist. «Food is a powerful bridge between cultures», he says, mentioning his favorite dish: l'ham bel jelban (meat with peas).
His vision extends beyond borders. «Morocco and Switzerland have a lot to learn from each other, especially in law and economics», he says. He hopes to strengthen ties between the two countries and highlight the role of their diasporas.
As the Geneva municipal elections on March 23, 2025, approach, Mehdi Chraibi stands out as a fresh voice—one that blends legal expertise, civic commitment, and a belief that politics should address everyday realities.

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