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Imlil murders : Is the Swiss-Spanish suspect a «terrorist» ?
Publié dans Yabiladi le 12 - 02 - 2019

Arrested on December the 29th in Morocco for having alleged links with the four individuals suspected of murdering two Scandinavian mountaineers in Imlil, the Swiss-Spanish national known as Kevin Z. is at the heart of a new investigation.
According to Swiss French-language daily newspaper Le Temps, Switzerland is investigating the convert's life and entourage in Marrakech. Speaking to his wife and surroundings in the Kingdom, Le Temps suggests that Kevin's lifestyle «doesn't go hand in hand with the terror-related allegations».
For Fatima, a Moroccan woman Kevin married after he settled down in Morocco, the couple were in Switzerland when the Imlil murders took place. She kept all documents and receipts proving that, the same source added.
«We traveled to Geneva and stayed for a week at my mother-in-law's place», Fatima said, stressing that her husband could have stayed there if he was really involved in a criminal network as he had the opportunity to escape arrest.
«Everyone who knows him knows that it cannot be him», she argued, adding : «I live in a nightmare and I hope that the Moroccan authorities would quickly realize that he is innocent».
After his arrest, BCIJ head said that Kevin Z. is not directly involved in the murdering of the two Scandinavian tourists, but knew the men who allegedly orchestrated the Imlil terror attack.
«Together, they watched ISIS propaganda films», and he was in direct contact with ISIS members in Syria through Telegram messaging.
The Swiss national was planning to plot terrorist acts in Morocco, targeting security services and tourists. He has even trained some of the cell's members to use weapons and recruited sub-Saharan nationals.
However, his wife and surroundings told Le Temps that Kevin was just fond of a game he discovered in Marrakech. According to Fatima, her husband was regularly visiting a paintball club. He has even invited one of the four men who pledged allegiance to ISIS in a video to the club.
«It is just a game», Kevin's wife said, stating that the sub-Saharan man authorities referred to is a Christian Cameroonian friend that her husband used to play football with.
For the record, Kevin Z. appeared in court last week in Morocco. His lawyer Saad Sahli did not deny the fact that his client met these alleged terrorists and that he watched the videos they showed him but assured that he was not part of the cell.

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