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Diaspo #368: Noura Essouissate Brauckmann, the voice of migrants in Germany
Publié dans Yabiladi le 21 - 12 - 2024

After a challenging start in Germany, Moroccan Noura Essouissate Brauckmann has chosen to dedicate her time to community and political work. She actively supports migrants and refugees and stands on the front lines against the rise of the far right.
Born in Agadir in April 1980, Moroccan Noura Essouissate Brauckmann spent her childhood traveling between Marrakech, Tangier, and Agadir, which contributed to shaping her multicultural personality.
At the age of 18, one of her uncles suggested that she learn German and join him in Germany. She followed his advice and left Morocco in 2000 for the city of Münster.
It was not the start she expected, as she faced language barriers and cultural differences. However, with passion and determination, she overcame these obstacles and joined associations that helped her integrate.
Within six years, she opened a restaurant called «Marrakech», where she served Moroccan and Lebanese dishes, creating a cultural bridge between Morocco and Germany.
Despite the success of her business, Noura decided to close it in 2009 to focus on her true passion: community work. Through this, she supported Moroccan students coming to Germany, hosting some of them in her home and providing them with what they needed.
Her efforts culminated in the establishment of the «Horizons for Culture and Social Cooperation» association in 2012, in partnership with representatives of Arab and non-Arab communities, with the aim of promoting migrants' rights and supporting coexistence.
The association played an important role during the migration crisis that Europe, especially Germany, faced in 2015. «With the wave of migration from Syria, the association played a big role in helping the authorities deal with the refugees and solve their issues because we spoke Arabic, the language of the refugees arriving in Germany», she said.
In doing so, the organization provided comprehensive services, including translation and issue resolution, making it a key partner in local efforts.
Entering politics
Noura has become a well-known face in Münster thanks to her community work, prompting some of her acquaintances to encourage her to run for the Integration and Migration Council elections in 2020.
«These councils represent migrants at the municipal level and are elected by the migrants themselves on the day of the municipal elections every five years», she explained. These councils «represent the interests of migrants within municipal councils, contribute to the formulation of policies that concern migrants by providing advice and suggestions, and play an important role in supporting coexistence and resolving issues related to migrants», she added.
«The elections passed in a good atmosphere. We submitted an independent list, won four seats, including mine, and I am now a member of the council, a deputy in the Culture Commission, and a member of the Equality Commission», she proudly said.
Noura views the council as a platform to empower communities and make their voices heard. Along with other activists, she is now leading a campaign against the far-right in Germany. «In parallel with the AfD's annual meeting in the city, we organize demonstrations with thousands of participants to protest against their political and social agenda, which prompted them to organize next year's meeting in another city», she said.
«In light of discussions about the increasing popularity of this party, we are working to confront its ideas and highlight its danger to social cohesion, including recent statements by its members that offended the Moroccan community», she added.
Noura credits much of her success to her German-born husband, who is always by her side.
Noura maintains a strong connection to Morocco, which she visits whenever she has the opportunity. She also seeks to serve her homeland from her current position as a member of the Academy of Moroccan Women Abroad, which brings together Moroccan women in various countries.
«Through this academy, which includes prominent Moroccan figures active in multiple and complementary fields in Morocco and abroad, we try to defend the country's issues, communicate the voice of international Moroccans to the responsible authorities, and enhance their presence in development programs related to culture, language, religion, and investment in Morocco», she said.
Last year, she founded the Ibdaa Femmes women's association with women from different countries to inspire creative women in all fields.
Through her prominent presence, Noura demonstrates that association work and politics can go hand in hand to create a positive impact in society.

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