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Sellou : Discover the beloved Amazigh dish for Ramadan
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 02 - 2025

At the intersection of history, culture, and gastronomy, sellou represents the fusion of civilizations in Morocco, beginning with Amazigh traditions. Made from grains and honey, assellou was originally served as a dessert in the Almoravid courts. Over time, it evolved to reflect changes in consumption, adaptations, and regional influences, now incorporating local, Andalusian, and Arab-Oriental elements.
Under the banner of spirituality, Ramadan also marks a return to traditional culinary practices. Before it became a season of excess and food waste driven by consumerism, Ramadan was a time of harmony between body and mind, reflected in both religious practices and food. In the past, the traditional Ramadan menu was simple yet nutritious. For a healthy fast, the focus was on using only essential ingredients, creating satisfying meals with minimal ingredients.
Ancestral culinary practices shed light on how dishes have adapted to various factors, such as periods of scarcity, long journeys, the availability of ingredients, and the need for equitable food distribution within communities. More broadly, these traditions were shaped by civilizational and regional influences, reflecting the impact of historical and political developments on local customs and cuisines.
In Moroccan Amazigh culture, this spirit has long been embodied in dishes that are simple yet festive during times of abundance, and basic during lean periods. A prime example is zemmita, a national tradition that has been adapted for various occasions, such as childbirth, the Amazigh New Year (Yennayer), and the Ramadan fast. A similar dish with slightly more elaborate preparation is sellou.
Yennayer: Zemmita, a foodstuff for long journeys and a dish for all seasons
While historical references do not pinpoint the exact origins of this dish, it has long been a staple among Amazigh populations, using the same preparation methods for centuries. The process involves roasting grains, grinding them into flour, mixing with honey and ghee, and sometimes adding dried fruits like almonds. Over time, additional ingredients have been introduced, enriching the variations of this dish, which was once often served as a dessert at Almoravid courts (1040 – 1147).
Preserving Traditions Through the Centuries: Charif Al-Idrisi's Account
Charif Al-Idrisi, the 12th-century father of modern geography, provided one of the most well-documented historical records of sellou in his famous work Book of Roger (1154), which he developed in Sicily after traveling widely. He described the dish, noting that its name comes from the Amazigh term issli, particularly among the Sanhaja.
In this foundational text, Al-Idrisi detailed the process of roasting seeds, grinding them into flour, sieving, and combining dry ingredients, before binding them with honey and ghee. These methods, largely unchanged for centuries, have been faithfully preserved and passed down through generations, despite limited documentation.
The medieval geographer also noted the dish's surprising nutritional value, stating that «a handful», paired with curdled milk, could sustain a person for an entire day. His observations in the Souss and Oued Noun regions highlight the widespread nature of this culinary tradition, shared by both sedentary and nomadic communities.
The blending of Amazigh, Andalusian, and Arab-Oriental culinary practices enriched Moroccan heritage, introducing new ingredients and flavors. As the Almoravid empire expanded into Al-Andalus, and as Muslim and Jewish families settled in North Africa after the Reconquista (722–1492), sweet and sweet-salty preparations became more sophisticated. Ziryab, a renowned musician and cultural figure in Andalusia, played a significant role in the development of these customs, elevating the traditional banquet with elegance and refinement.
This period also influenced sellou, transforming it from a simple dish of grains and honey into a more elaborate preparation with almonds, sesame, anise, spices, gum arabic, and other natural flavoring ingredients, giving the dish its distinctive taste and nutritional value as a traditional dessert.
Given the broad geographical reach of these practices, variations of sellou can also be found in neighboring countries, such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

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