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U.S. funding freeze disrupts moroccan associations, survey finds
Publié dans Yabiladi le 18 - 02 - 2025

A recent survey reveals that the U.S. State Department's «stop work order» for all foreign assistance has caused immediate disruptions for local Moroccan associations, with many facing canceled activities, unpaid salaries, and financial instability. MRA urges the lifting of the funding freeze and calls for clearer communication from U.S. contractors to mitigate the harm.
Just three weeks after the U.S. State Department issued a «stop work order», suspending all work and disbursements related to humanitarian and development foreign assistance programs worldwide, harmful impacts on local Moroccan associations have already been reported, according to a new survey.
The independent Quick Impact Survey, conducted by the Rabat-based non-profit women's rights NGO MRA (Mobilising for Rights Associates), measures the immediate effects of the U.S. foreign assistance funding freeze on Moroccan associations.
The online survey ran from February 4 to February 16, 2025, after the «stop work order» was issued on Friday, January 24, 2025.
The survey targeted local Moroccan groups, particularly those in «subgrantee and partnership agreements with larger international organizations or prime recipients of U.S.-funded contracts or grants», MRA explained.
Of the 37 total respondents, 53% reported having to cancel scheduled activities due to the U.S. government's decision. Meanwhile, 25% said they were unable to pay staff salaries, and 22% reported being unable to meet basic operating costs, such as rent and utilities.
Additionally, 22% of respondents reported difficulties in their relationships with other local organizations or program beneficiaries, and 11% said they had to lay off staff.
«It is likely that the harmful impact will continue to escalate if the funding freeze is not lifted», MRA predicts. The organization also reported that many respondents did not know whether disbursements for previous or ongoing expenses had been suspended or blocked, as they had not received any information or guidance from their prime recipient on how the stop work order applies to them.
Delays in informing Moroccan associations on the freeze
Several respondents indicated they were still working on projects while awaiting instructions, putting them at risk of violating the stop work order and not being reimbursed for costs incurred.
The survey also revealed that many respondents were not informed about the stop work order in an official or timely manner. More than half (38%) first heard of the stop work order through unofficial word of mouth, and 32% learned about it from the media. Only a few respondents first heard about it from an official source, either in writing (19%) or verbally (3%).
Despite the immediate effect of the stop work order, the survey found delays in notifying local Moroccan associations. Only 19% of respondents heard about it on January 24 or 25, while half learned of it the following week, and the other half didn't find out until February 1–7.
The association attributes the delays in informing local groups to the fact that «U.S. federal employees responsible for foreign aid were reportedly ordered to cease all public communications, with relevant agency offices closed, federal staff placed on administrative leave, and hundreds of contractors furloughed or terminated».
MRA urges the immediate lifting of the U.S. foreign assistance funding freeze so that programs and disbursements can resume. The association also calls for contracting officers, prime contractors, and grantees to ensure that local Moroccan associations receive complete, accurate, and timely information related to the funding freeze.
The U.S. State Department announced the «stop-work» order for all ongoing foreign assistance and a freeze on new aid, following an instruction from President Donald Trump to review whether aid distribution aligns with his foreign policy goals. The United States remains the world's largest single donor, having allocated $72 billion in assistance during fiscal year 2023 alone.

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