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Diaspo #374 : Mohamed Bouzia, telling the story of Moroccan-Dutch migration through journalism
Publié dans Yabiladi le 01 - 02 - 2025

Mohamed Bouzia, a journalist and documentary filmmaker, transitioned from a humble upbringing in Morocco's Rif region to a career in media, education, and storytelling in the Netherlands. His work, including the acclaimed documentary Anaak, explores Moroccan migration and cultural history, preserving the stories of past generations.
Like many children from the Rif region in the late 70s and 80s, Mohamed Bouzia spent his days impatiently waiting to join his father in the Netherlands. A simple but forward-thinking man, Mohamed's father insisted that he stay in his village for a while to learn Darija, Arabic, and French before setting off for Europe.
«I didn't understand this logic at first», Mohamed admitted in a phone call with Yabiladi. Later in life, Mohamed came to appreciate his father's wisdom, especially when he joined him in Haarlem at the age of 16.
He arrived with baggage and a strong connection to his homeland, ready to embrace the opportunities Europe had to offer. But like every success story, the beginnings were challenging. Once in the Netherlands, Mohamed dedicated himself to learning Dutch for a year. Then, it was time to decide the next step in his academic journey.
«I remember having a meeting with two teachers to discuss my future studies», Mohamed vividly recalls. «One of them suggested vocational training to get a diploma in a craft, while the other insisted that I was better suited to pursue studies in marketing and communication». He added, «I remember their long debate; that teacher believed in me and saw potential the other didn't».
Ultimately, Mohamed chose International Management. During his studies, he had the chance to spend a mandatory exchange year abroad. «I picked France because I spoke French», he explained.
His decision was also influenced by his family's humble financial situation—France was close and more affordable. There, Mohamed studied at the Ecole Supérieure d'Angers, specializing in media management and marketing, and obtained his diploma in Media and Management.
Radio program by Moroccans and for Moroccans in Europe
Back in the Netherlands, young Mohamed volunteered at a local radio station, which opened doors early in his career. «One day, I was visiting my school to sort out some paperwork when a director approached me, asking if I would audition for a new project at the national broadcaster», he shared.
This opportunity was a big deal for Mohamed, who was barely 20 years old and freshly graduated. «I was so happy and auditioned. One week later, I heard nothing, so I decided to visit the Rif. While there, I got a call saying I was on board», he said.
It was a dream come true for the young man who, growing up in the Rif, never thought someone like him could work at a radio station. «As a child, I loved Medi1 radio and dreamed of becoming a radio journalist» he said.
The project—a radio program in Darija and Tarifit—was a hit among the Moroccan community in the Netherlands and neighboring European countries, including France, Belgium, and Germany. It was also a valuable learning experience for the young journalist. «That's where I learned journalism, improved my Darija, and honed my standard Arabic. I was the youngest journalist there, learning from the best», he reminisced.
Despite its popularity, the program was discontinued four years later due to a government decision. «The authorities wanted all radio programs for the Moroccan diaspora to be in Dutch to encourage better integration», he explained regretfully.
Mohamed was then transferred to another program focused on music and entertainment—a genre he had never worked in before. «I didn't enjoy it, not because I didn't like music, but because it wasn't my thing. After a year, I decided to change careers», he said.
Switching gears, Mohamed decided to pursue marketing and put his degree to use. He started working for a company that sold heavy-duty machinery, managing French- and Arabic-speaking markets. This role kept him constantly traveling. «I was always in airports, going from one country to another», he said, adding that it eventually became too much.
Soon, he was back to his first love: radio. «A director at the Dutch national broadcaster reached out, asking me to help manage a new radio station they were building. This time, it was entirely in Dutch», Mohamed said.
He worked tirelessly, spending nine years as an editor-in-chief before deciding it was time for a new adventure. After a long career in journalism—working for NPS, Radio Colourful, Radio Haarlem 105, and NIO radio programs—Mohamed transitioned to teaching and documentary filmmaking.
A story of migration
His passion for storytelling led to his first documentary, Anâaq (2017), co-created with his friend Kacem Achahboun. The film explored a key question in Moroccan migration history: Why is Algeria part of this story?
«This documentary is structured as a journey—a diary of Moroccan migration stories. It delves into how Moroccans ended up in Algeria and, eventually, Europe», Mohamed explained.
During French colonization, the French struggled to fully exploit local Algerian labor and turned to Moroccan workers, particularly from the Rif and Souss regions. Settling in Algeria, however, wasn't easy. It required navigating bureaucratic hurdles, like obtaining permits stamped by family or local authorities. The French colonial system not only employed these Moroccan workers in Algeria but also brought them to France. Some returned to Morocco, while others stayed, forming a labor force that linked Morocco, Algeria, and Europe.
For some Moroccans, acquiring a passport in Morocco was difficult. Algeria became a stepping stone, where they could obtain documents before continuing their migration.
«This migration story was the subject of my first documentary, created without any channel or institutional support», Mohamed said proudly. The film, which marked the beginning of his passion for filmmaking, provided a platform for first-hand accounts of migration stories. Anâaq, which means we leave without a destination, garnered significant interest wherever it was screened, sparking discussions in theaters and communities in Morocco and abroad.
Following this project, Mohamed worked on other documentaries, including one focused on the Jewish communities of the Rif region, further highlighting Morocco's diverse and intertwined histories.
Now a freelance journalist, Mohamed remains determined to tell stories like those in Anâaq, honoring the sacrifices made by parents and grandparents for future generations—a tribute to fathers like his own.

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