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Morocco thwarts terrorist plot in explosive attack planning stage
Publié dans Yabiladi le 26 - 01 - 2025

Morocco's Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ), with precise intelligence from the Directorate General of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), thwarted an imminent terrorist plot early Sunday morning. The plan, still in its preparatory stages, aimed to execute explosive attacks.
A coordinated operation involving DGST special forces, BCIJ officers, the aerial brigade, and the Judicial Center of the Royal Gendarmerie led to the arrest of four extremist suspects, including three brothers, all linked to the Daesh terrorist group. The suspects, aged 26, 29, 31, and 35, were active in the Had Soualem area of Berrechid Province, according to a BCIJ statement.
The operation targeted two locations: homes in the Al Omrane and Al Amal neighborhoods of Al Wahda, Had Soualem. The effort included explosive detection specialists, trained sniffer dogs, and a Royal Gendarmerie helicopter that provided aerial support, deploying DGST snipers to secure the area.
During the searches, authorities seized a range of items, including knives, bottles containing chemicals, large quantities of chemical fertilizers, sulfur, charcoal powder, and other suspicious substances. They also found electrical wires, welding tools, and adhesive tapes, all potential components for manufacturing explosives. These items were handed over to forensic experts for detailed analysis.
Investigations commenced after the DGST discovered a video of the suspects pledging allegiance to Daesh and vowing to conduct terrorist acts. Further intelligence revealed that the group had visited four hardware stores in the Had Soualem area on the same day, purchasing chemicals commonly used to make explosives. They stored these materials at one suspect's home and began experimenting with assembling explosive devices.
It was also uncovered that two of the brothers conducted reconnaissance missions, visiting various locations and documenting potential targets with photos and videos to support their plans. Evidence suggests the suspects intended to carry out bomb attacks and subsequently join Daesh camps in the Sahel region.
The four individuals are now in custody, with the investigation overseen by the public prosecutor specializing in terrorism cases. Authorities aim to uncover any links this cell may have with regional or international terrorist organizations and to identify and apprehend any remaining members of the group.

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