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Diaspo #366 : Mohammed Khadra's journey through tajines and resilience
Publié dans Yabiladi le 07 - 12 - 2024

After a life-changing accident, Mohammed Khadra, a Casablanca native, rediscovered his passion for cooking by preparing tajines and sharing them with neighbors and friends in France. His culinary talent earned him recognition on the French TV show Ma recette est la meilleure de France.
To Mohammed Khadra, a native of Casablanca, his story with the emblematic Moroccan dish, tajine, began a long time ago. When he was young, living with his parents in the Kingdom's economic capital, he grew up eating delicious tajines prepared with love and dedication by his mother.
«She has always been a natural cook», recalls Mohammed in a heartfelt tone. «She had a knack for cooking, to the point that family members loved coming to our house just to eat what she made with her hands».
While Mohammed's mother ruled the kitchen as her kingdom, where no one was allowed to interfere, his father excelled in metallurgy and welding. Like father, like son, Mohammed followed in his father's footsteps. «I'm a technician; I was a welding technician, just like my father, who was even my boss at one point», Mohammed remembers.
Although his job was far from cooking, it somehow ignited his passion for it. As a welding technician, Mohammed traveled across Morocco, working in various workshops and meeting people from different regions. «I worked in almost all Moroccan regions, where I tasted the most delicious tajines made by male workers at construction sites and workshops», he joked.
A story of resilience
In 2009, Mohammed got married, and a year later, he moved to France. Settling in Rouen, in northern France, he continued working as a technician, still far removed from the culinary world.
But last year, after years of living and working in France, Mohammed's life took a dramatic turn. «One day, while leaving work, I had a terrible car accident», Mohammed shared. «I was between life and death, but, thanks to God, I survived».
Due to his injuries, Mohammed had to stop working, incapacitated by the accident that nearly claimed his life. Left at home, he felt isolated: «I had nothing to do; I was lonely most of the time».
Determined to find purpose, Mohammed turned to cooking. Every day, he would step into his kitchen to prepare something, often tajines. «Sometimes, my daughter would visit, and she became my first judge», Mohammed said with a laugh. His second judges were his friends and neighbors. «I love to share and give to others, so I started cooking, keeping some for myself and sharing the rest with my neighbors», he explained.
«They loved it», Mohammed fondly recalls. «One of them once said that when they get into the elevator and smell the cooking, they can't wait for me to knock on their door with some food».
Beyond his immediate circle, Mohammed began sharing his creations online. Initially, he posted photos and stories, but with time to spare, he ventured into shooting and editing videos—a newfound passion.
One day, a friend of Mohammed's, determined to share his culinary talents with a broader audience, encouraged him to join a local cooking competition. «I immediately said no; I wasn't ready», Mohammed admitted. But unbeknownst to him, his friend had already submitted his application.
«The next day, I received a call from the show Ma recette est la meilleure de France», a popular French television program on M6 that features amateur cooks presenting their recipes to professional chefs, vying for the title of the best recipe in France.
Mohammed's pair tajine
The show's team was thrilled to have Mohammed participate, and he knew exactly what he would cook: a tajine. «A sweet and savory one, with a special secret sauce, daghmira, which I had been perfecting for months», he said.
Mohammed prepared the tajine at home and brought it to the jury. «I went to the city center and found an old boutique that had closed. The only items left inside were some pottery and tajines», he recalled. Nearby, he met the boutique owner's daughter, who was a butcher. She sold him both the tajine pots and the meat he needed.
With everything ready, Mohammed returned home to cook his caramelized pear tajine. The dish was a hit. After the Rouen stage, Mohammed advanced to the Paris round, where he had to prepare his tajine from scratch in front of the jury.
The result? Astonishing praise from the professional chefs, who admired Mohammed's talent, presentation skills, and the perfect balance of flavors—sweet and savory.
Although Mohammed didn't win the competition, he made it to the final stages. His video presentation of the pear tajine and the jury's reactions went viral. «Millions were watching across the country. I didn't realize how many people were involved, but I knew it was an opportunity to showcase Moroccan cuisine», he said.
Online, Moroccans celebrated Mohammed's achievement, with his video garnering millions of views. «The comments were overwhelmingly positive», he remarked.
Now, with newfound confidence in his culinary abilities, Mohammed hopes to continue representing Morocco, making Moroccans proud of their cuisine, and sharing stories through his cooking—stories of people he met and the meals he shared.

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