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King Mohammed VI calls for urgent ceasefire in Palestinian territories
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 11 - 2024

The tragic situation in the Palestinian territories, especially in the Gaza Strip, and the related regional and international challenges call out to the conscience of the world and require decisive action for the achievement of an immediate, comprehensive, and sustainable ceasefire, King Mohammed VI stated on Tuesday.
«They also require greater joint action to support and protect human rights in the Palestinian territories, implement relevant UN resolutions, and ensure full compliance with international law and international humanitarian law», the Sovereign stressed in a message to the Chairman of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, Cheikh Niang, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, celebrated on November 26 this year.
Expressing his regret regarding the continuing Israeli military invasion of the Gaza Strip, the King took the opportunity to call on the entire world to «take urgent, immediate action to stop the war, compel Israel to lift the siege imposed on the Strip, and allow the return of displaced people as a prelude to starting the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war».
Likewise, given the impasse in the Middle East peace process and the difficult conditions currently prevailing in the region, the Sovereign called once again on the international community, «especially the influential countries which can have an impact on the conflict, to undertake fresh, intensive, and effective diplomatic efforts with a view to bringing back the parties concerned to the negotiating table».
«The aim is to achieve a just, comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian issue and build a common future for upcoming Palestinian and Israeli generations, within the framework of the two-state solution», the King wrote in this message.
The Sovereign also stressed that in view of the serious, unprecedented developments in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, «the Kingdom of Morocco expresses its deep concern over the tragic conditions resulting from the continued Israeli invasion».
The invasion has so far «claimed the lives of thousands of innocent, defenseless civilians. Millions of Palestinians have been deprived of their basic rights to housing, food, health, clean water, education, and security; they have been forcibly displaced or made to migrate due to massive, wide-ranging destruction of infrastructure in the region», the King added.
The Sovereign also noted that the Israeli unilateral measures and repeated provocations in the city of al-Quds are undermining all efforts to achieve a return to calm and ruining all international initiatives designed to stop the violence and put an end to tension in the region.
Commending the sincere and continuous efforts of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the King reiterated his full support for its praiseworthy action in backing the legitimate, inalienable rights of Palestinians, as well as for its action to contribute to international efforts to achieve peace, stability, coexistence, and prosperity for all peoples in the region.
This Committee meeting is, to the Sovereign, an opportunity «to commend and encourage all national Palestinian reconciliation initiatives that serve our Palestinian brothers' lofty goal of establishing their independent state».

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