Twenty-eight demonstrators who took part in the sit-in by striking medical students outside Rabat's Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy were brought before the public prosecutor on Friday. The students are protesting the government's decision to reduce their training by one year. The public prosecutor has charged them with «disobedience, failure to comply with orders from authorities, and unauthorized assembly», with the hearing set for October 23. Among the defendants are members of the students' union, as well as resident doctors and interns from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU). On Thursday night, the National Committee of Interns and Residents (CNIR) joined the protests, condemning the «flagrant violations» that occurred when the Rabat sit-in was broken up. In a press release, the CNIR criticized the «repressive measures» that led to the arrest of several resident doctors. In response, the CNIR announced a «warning strike» from September 27 to October 1, excluding emergency, on-call, and resuscitation services, to protest these actions and raise awareness of the issue. The CNIR also called on all interns and residents to gather at their local committee offices and participate in public rallies planned across several cities. The previous day, the Moroccan National Commission of Students in Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy (CNEMEP) expressed its solidarity with the arrested protesters.