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Moroccan medical students urge solidarity after violent sit-in disruption
Publié dans Yabiladi le 26 - 09 - 2024

Moroccan medical students protesting the government's decision to shorten their training by one year were violently dispersed by authorities during a sit-in in Rabat. The students, supported by their families and medical professors, are calling for the reinstatement of suspended students, an apology from the government, and reform of medical education.
During a sit-in held Wednesday night in Rabat, primarily to protest the government's decision to shorten their medical training by one year, Moroccan medical students were «violently dispersed» by authorities.
Photos and videos shared online show hundreds of students, accompanied by their parents, being forcibly prevented by police from gathering outside the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Rabat.
In a statement released by the National Committee for Medical, Pharmacy, and Dental Students in Morocco, the official representative of the students, they condemned what they called a «violent and brutal» disruption of their peaceful sit-in.
An ongoing crisis
According to preliminary information from the student body, «15 students and their families were arrested». Many others sustained injuries, with some «fainting due to the violent intervention, which involved pushing, kicking, and severe beatings accompanied by insults and curses», the statement reads.
They also demanded the release of all arrested students and family members, denouncing the «repressive approach adopted by the government».
The committee called for all medical, pharmacy, and dental students, as well as their professors and health workers, to hold a sit-in on Thursday to protest the «abuse and humiliation of future doctors».
The crisis between Morocco's medical students and the government has been ongoing for ten months. Students have been protesting government-imposed reforms to their training. One of the primary points of contention is the reduction of medical training from seven years to six. Other grievances include poor conditions in both practical and theoretical training, overcrowded classrooms, the reform of the specialization course (third cycle), and low intern compensation.
Medical professors denounce «violent disruption»
The disruption of Wednesday's sit-in was also condemned by the local office of the National Union of Higher Education at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Casablanca.
«We have repeatedly called for an urgent solution to the student strike to avoid a catastrophe and have sought to mediate between the Ministry and the students to resolve the crisis, with our last attempt on July 19», said the body, which represents medical professors in Casablanca.
In its statement published today, the union condemned «the violent interference» and warned that the security approach would only complicate the situation.
The statement called for the reinstatement of suspended students and the reversal of student council dissolutions, urging college councils to review previous disciplinary decisions.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation announced in a Thursday press release that the faculties of medicine and pharmacy will take steps to resume normal operations.
The ministry stated that students who passed the first semester exams would have the opportunity to complete the remaining exams in a special session. Students who dropped out will be allowed to take all missed exams in an exceptional session per semester before the end of November 2024, adds teh same statement.
Students who failed their exams will have their zero scores replaced with those from the exceptional sessions. Additionally, the ministry will review the sanctions issued against students involved in the study boycott. The 2024-2025 academic year will begin on September 23 for new first-year students and October 14 for all other levels.

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