In the Amizmiz commune, nestled in the heart of the High Atlas mountains, lies the remarkable village of «Douar Shems'y», a sanctuary designed to provide a new home for children orphaned by the earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region in September 2023. Situated about 60 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, this model village, aptly named «Shems'y» (Arabic for «my sun»), symbolizes the hope and warmth it brings to the lives of these children. Built in record time by the Moroccan Association for Aid to Children in Precarious Situations (AMESIP), Douar Shems'y offers a family-like environment, where children can grow surrounded by empathy and care. Village director Youssef Lahbil told MAP that the primary goal is to create a nurturing environment that supports the personal development and social integration of the children within the community. «Shems'y, designed to be eco-friendly and earthquake-resistant, offers educational, cultural, artistic, and sporting activities, along with social and psychological support for 144 orphans, fostering their overall development», he added. Fatiha Takhabazt, academic advisor at the village, highlighted that a socio-educational team, composed of young people from the Al Haouz region, is dedicated to supporting the children's growth and shaping their personalities. «Our role is to help these children acquire the skills they need to become responsible, fulfilled citizens who can contribute to the development of their community», she said. Plastic arts teacher Youssef Amir noted that the center takes a creative, personalized educational approach, offering activities such as games, weaving, and drawing workshops that stimulate the children's intellectual development. Kenza Elazzam, an educator at the village, described Douar Shems'y as a haven of peace, helping the children heal from the trauma of the earthquake. Spanning two hectares, Douar Shems'y is equipped with various services to meet the residents' needs, including catering, accommodation, recreational spaces, playgrounds, classrooms, a library, a health center, a counseling center, and even overnight facilities for the children's families or guardians. The village is also closely connected to the surrounding community. In collaboration with parents' associations and local groups, the Amizmiz community benefits from the village's cultural and sports facilities, fostering social inclusion and enriching community life.