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Morocco's Taghazout Bay gears up for summer with music and entertainment
Publié dans Yabiladi le 01 - 06 - 2024

Taghazout Bay gears up for a summer of thrills with «Music and Entertainment» as its theme. The Bay has programmed a variety of activities and will launch a brand new festival called «Amazingh Festival».
With the goal of becoming a leading global tourist destination, Taghazout Bay is gearing up for an exceptional summer season under the theme «Music and Entertainment».
Taghazout Bay aims to attract a diverse range of visitors by offering a variety of activities and unique experiences. This includes options for surfing enthusiasts, golf lovers, and those seeking dedicated co-working spaces.
«Taghazout Bay aspires to satisfy all tastes while maintaining the authentic spirit of Taghazout», a spokesperson for the Taghazout Resort Development and Promotion Company (SAPST) told Yabiladi.
For the 2024 summer season, Taghazout Bay has programmed a variety of activities beyond its existing recreational offerings. These include Tazegzout, a golf course and academy established in 2015, and the Tazegzout Golf Course, which currently boasts 27 holes. During a press conference held on Friday, Tazegzout golf course manager Azzedine Chabi emphasized their commitment to sustainability. «Since 2017, the course has been 100% reliant on treated wastewater instead of potable water to rationalize water usage», he said.
Beyond surfing : Sports, culture, and nightlife
In addition to its reputation for surfing, Taghazout Bay offers a variety of activities for visitors. The Taghazout region is home to the Tadenga Surf Academy, which provides free surfing lessons to passionate local children. For tennis enthusiasts, Taghazout is developing a 5-hectare tennis academy. Water sports enthusiasts can visit Calypso, a nautical club, while Pulse nightclub caters to those looking to enjoy a vibrant nightlife.
Taghazout Bay also boasts Targant, the first argan museum established in 2022. This museum aims to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of argan oil, promote its production and marketing, and empower local women. The museum offers opportunities for women to work in the production of natural argan products, providing them with a steady income source.
The birth of a new festival
Taghazout Bay gears up for summer 2024 with an exciting entertainment and cultural program designed to appeal to families and a wide audience.
This summer marks the birth of the Amazingh Festival, taking place from August 2nd to 10th. Partnering with cultural organization Seven PM, the festival boasts a diverse musical program featuring Moroccan and international artists across various genres, according to festival director Moulay Ahmed Alaoui.
«Our aim is to present a festival that reconnects with Taghazout's Amazigh identity», said festival director. «The station has undergone significant change, and we're proud to launch this festival within its evolving landscape». He added that the festival will span nine days, featuring two concerts daily.
Taghazout Bay's summer season also welcomes a new visual identity for the station. This identity reflects the spirit of Taghazout Bay, highlighting its unique character and commitment to preserving the essence of the traditional fishing village. Inspired by the Tifinagh script, the new identity pays homage to Amazigh culture and strengthens Taghazout Bay's position as a leading tourist destination, according to the spokesperson for the Taghazout Resort Development and Promotion Company (SAPST).
Sustainability at the forefront
Taghazout Bay prioritizes environmental responsibility. Sustainability measures include enhancing the project's integration with the surrounding landscape, water resource conservation, using treated wastewater for irrigation, improving pool water management, utilizing recycled materials, preserving 100 hectares of argan trees, and incorporating local species for landscaping.
Located just 40 kilometers from Agadir Al Massira International Airport, Taghazout Bay offers a captivating escape. Spanning 615 hectares, the bay boasts 4.5 kilometers of pristine beaches and a rich natural landscape.
Catering to diverse visitor preferences, Taghazout Bay provides a variety of tourist accommodation options with a total capacity of over 5,100 beds. This includes 7 established hotels and a soon-to-be-completed tourist facility offering an additional 500 beds.

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