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Diaspo #351 : Faten Wehbe, bridging generations of Moroccan immigrants in Belgium
Publié dans Yabiladi le 18 - 08 - 2024

Although she was born and raised in Brussels, Belgian-Moroccan Faten Wehbe was deeply immersed in Moroccan culture from an early age, thanks to her grandmother. Now, with her new book «Retour aux Sources», she seeks to build bridges between the different generations of Moroccan immigrants in Belgium and keep them connected to their Moroccan heritage.
Faten Wehbe spent her childhood with her grandmother, who, despite being illiterate, enriched her life with Moroccan folk proverbs that became a fundamental part of her upbringing. These proverbs inspired Faten to write a book about Moroccan sayings, aiming to create a bridge between generations, especially since her children are part of the fourth generation of Moroccan immigrants in Belgium.
This deep connection to her cultural roots had a significant impact on Faten, shaping her desire to preserve Moroccan heritage through her writings. Born in December 1978 in Brussels to a Moroccan mother and a Lebanese father, Faten was educated in Belgium, where she chose to study journalism. However, she didn't pursue a career in media; instead, she has worked as a communications officer at the Belgian Ministry of Labor since 2002.
A mother of three, Faten shared with Yabiladi that she had long contemplated on how to collect Moroccan folk proverbs and transform them from an oral tradition into written form. «I have always wondered why there aren't books that compile these proverbs, which are passed down through generations», she said. These rhyming sayings, she explained, are designed to awaken the mind, guide individuals, and convey the essence of Moroccan life and wisdom.
Recognizing folk proverbs as a «cultural treasure that must be preserved», Faten began her project in early 2023 by consulting elders, neighbors, aunts, grandmothers, and friends both in Morocco and Belgium.
She successfully gathered 300 proverbs and conducted sociological research to delve into their deeper meanings and uses, exploring the rich oral tradition passed down by Moroccan ancestors.
After a year of research, Faten selected the 100 most commonly used proverbs from her collection and published her book, «Retour aux Sources» in February 2024, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of Moroccan immigration to Belgium. «The proverbs are written in Latin script with explanations in French, making them accessible to those who don't read Arabic», she explained.
To launch her book, Faten organized a conference at the Cultural Center in Molenbeek. After struggling to find a publisher, she self-published it and expressed her intention to visit Morocco to explore distribution opportunities. «I plan to go to Morocco and meet with people, hoping that the book will be available there», she said, adding that she also plans to write a second book on Moroccan proverbs.
In addition to her work on proverbs, Faten is collaborating with seven other writers of Moroccan descent in Brussels on a joint book about Moroccan immigration to Belgium. Her contribution to this book includes a story about a couple who, after raising their children in Belgium, begin considering a return to Morocco, seeing it as a land of opportunity. The book is set to be published in November.
Earlier this year, Faten also ventured into comedy, performing shows in Brussels that have been met with unexpected success. «I am now preparing for a big show at the end of the year. I hope to present it in Morocco. I'm still in the writing stage, but the French Cultural Center in Tunisia has already invited me to perform there. The show addresses divorce and societal perceptions of divorced women», she shared.
Balancing her work with her passion for Moroccan culture, theater, and raising her children, Faten emphasizes that «love and passion are the main drivers of her success in these various fields». Reflecting on the future, she added, «I'm considering returning and settling in Morocco. Once my children are independent, I'd like to return to my homeland, which I believe has become a land of opportunities and a great place to invest».

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