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Hamadi Wolf's crazy challenge : A 920 km ultra-marathon from Tangier to Agadir
Publié dans Yabiladi le 12 - 08 - 2024

After taking on several previous challenges, Hamadi Wolf, a young runner who shares his adventures on social media, ran 920 kilometers from Tangier to Agadir. From July 23 to August 7, 2024, Hamadi embarked on an adventure that was both grueling and inspiring. The 30-year-old French-Moroccan with an engineering degree shared the details of this personal challenge with Yabiladi, discussing the difficulties, the highlights, and, above all, the hospitality of the Moroccans he encountered along the way.
How did you come up with the idea, and why did you choose Agadir as your final destination?
It's simple—I'm French-Moroccan. Two years ago, I cycled from Paris to Tétouan, connecting my two «homes». Last year, I crossed France on foot from Paris to Marseille, with some assistance. The idea was to «cross the country», from Tangier to Agadir. As for why I chose Agadir, it's a significant stop before reaching the desert region of the Kingdom. Going further on my own would have been a more complicated challenge.
How did you manage your diet and hydration during the summer?
The first two days were extremely hot and challenging, but I never ran out of water. There were wells, fountains, and people who offered me water, as well as hanouts (grocery stores). I also came across vans selling coffee and small bottles of fresh water; they saved me from dehydration several times. There were some difficult areas, like near Moulay Bouselham, Kenitra, and further south past Safi and Essaouira. But I could always rely on the hospitality and generosity of the people along the way.
How did you organize your nights for rest?
You have to understand that I don't plan my challenges in advance, especially when it comes to overnight stays. At the start of this challenge, I had a tent, but I only used it when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, I tried to find accommodation through Airbnb or hotels, but you often need to book in advance.
Between Moulay Bousselham and Kenitra, I had a lot of kilometers to cover. Given the long journey to Agadir, I had to spend one night between the two towns. I told myself, «If I don't sleep outside tonight, I'll get rid of the tent since it's quite heavy». I was very fortunate to end up in a small village where someone who saw me eating a sandwich spontaneously offered me a place to stay—it was very touching. I've also been hosted by people who follow me on Instagram, particularly in Oualidia.
Was the distance you covered each day random, or did you have a specific mileage target?
The distance I covered each day depended on where I planned to spend the night. I aimed for 60 kilometers a day, but sometimes it was quite challenging, so I would only manage 42. On the other hand, there were days when I covered 67 kilometers to reach my accommodation for the night. The longest distance I covered in one day was 75 kilometers.
Can you tell us more about your previous challenges, such as the Paris Marathon during Ramadan?
The Paris Marathon isn't the only event I've done during Ramadan. I also ran for 24 hours during Ramadan. It was a very special experience, proving that the human body has an incredible capacity to adapt. Just because it's Ramadan doesn't mean you have to stop exercising. In fact, I believe that's when you should stay active so your body can get used to exerting itself under stress. For the marathon, it's true that it wasn't easy because I couldn't drink water, but once you start, there's only one goal: the finish line. I wasn't the only one running while fasting, and that was a magnificent experience.
What are your future challenges?
That's a question I'm often asked on Instagram. I never plan my challenges far in advance. I don't approach them on a whim either, but it's close to that (laughs). I know some people prepare their challenges two or three years ahead, but that's not my style.
Do you have any advice for young enthusiasts who want to take on similar challenges?
It's important to realize that fear is completely normal and part of the process when taking on a challenge. The human body and mind will naturally resist putting themselves in difficult situations, but you have to push through. If you don't, you'll never discover what your body and mind are truly capable of.

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