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A Morocco rap song accused of inciting «assault on minor girls» by NGOs
Publié dans Yabiladi le 01 - 03 - 2024

A newly released rap song has sparked controversy in Morocco after local children protection NGOs called its lyrics inappropriate and inciting «assault on minor girls».
A recently released rap song has gone viral in Morocco, sparking controversy over its «inappropriate» lyrics. The song titled «Kobi atay», which translates to «pour me some tea», has been viewed by activists in the Kingdom as «inciting assault on minor girls».
The controversial song has amassed over 4.8 million views on YouTube as of today. In response to the controversy surrounding the song, human rights organizations concerned with defending childhood have broken their silence. The organization «Touche pas à mon enfant» ('Hands off my child') stated that it had observed «the content of many videos, especially a group of indecent songs, including clips urging fans to sexually exploit and rape minors, in a clear and direct manner».
The NGO further expressed concern that at a time when civil and human rights society, along with the entire Moroccan diaspora civil society, are united in addressing the scourge of pedophilia and combating the phenomenon of child rape, such songs appear without regards for the ethics and goals of art and music. They use them to convey dangerous messages, such as incitement to sexual exploitation and rape of minors, which are then widely spread.
Taking legal measures
The organization confirmed its intent to take all necessary legal measures to pursue anyone who incites the exploitation of children and the rape of minors through songs. It urged everyone who is concerned about the welfare of Moroccan children to report any video or song published on social media that affects childhood or incites the exploitation of children and minors.
Additionally, the Moroccan Association of Hope for Childhood expressed «great concern» over the spread of a music video containing explicit incitement to commit serious criminal acts, including calling for the deception of minors, indecent assault, perversion, consumption of alcohol and drugs, encouragement of irregular migration, violence, and sorcery.
The association condemned this type of production as far from artistic creativity, expressing what it referred to as the «moral and ethical decline threatening children, families, and society». It called on competent judicial authorities to immediately investigate the spread of the music video to preserve digital security and public morals.
Additionally, it urged regulatory authorities to take immediate measures to stop the publication of such content, which would pose a threat to the psychological and physical safety of the emerging generation and would contribute to the corruption of public morals.
The association also called on families and social institutions to remain vigilant and work to protect future generations against the influx of digital banality and inappropriate content.

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