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Diaspo #318 : Karim Kassab, guiding foreign students in Ukraine
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 12 - 2023

As an academic at the University of Zaporizhia in Ukraine, Karim Kassab has several certifications to his credit, thanks to his central role in the integration of foreign students into the university environment. Due to the war with Russia a lot has changed and he is now among many Moroccans with Ukrainian citizenship who are no longer allowed to leave the country.
Born in 1974 in Mers Sultan, one of Casablanca's oldest districts, Karim Kassab graduated high school majoring in science, and quickly decided to pursue his studies abroad. This is how, at a young age, he decided to move to Ukraine. His new life as an international student started in 1995, after he settled in Zaporizhia, where he enrolled in a one-year foundation program to learn Ukrainian and Russian.
The young student then passed the entrance exam to the Zaporizhia National Technical University. Now a dual citizen, his school years and integration story inspired him to become himself a diversity coordinator within the academic world.
«I was lucky to meet in the beginning with French-speaking lecturers, who had worked earlier in universities in Algeria and who had published books in French», he told Yabiladi, speaking of of his early days as an international student.
He still remembers those years very well. «The city is known for its imposing industrial infrastructure, as well as its iron and steel production. The university was in direct contact with these factories. We used to go there for our hands-on courses», he recalls.
After his bachelor's degree, Karim enrolled in a master's degree at the same university, majoring in mechanical engineering. «My mother came from Morocco to attend my thesis defense. These moments are forever engraved in my head. They are preciously unforgettable».
Integration into the professional academic world
During this period, Karim started thinking of returning to Morocco, to debut his professional career there. But his late father insisted that in addition to completing his studies, he obtains a master's degree in translation and linguistics.
«The final year of my three-year degree was not available in Zaporizhia. Rather than living in another city in Ukraine, I decided to change my academic path. At the Zaporizhia National University, I decided to opt for a doctoral program in philosophy and sociology. My research director was the author of publications on the Arab world».
Karim Kassab
Karim Kassab then published a thesis on Arab thought. «During this period, I wrote numerous articles on Morocco and the Moroccan Sahara. I also defended the national cause on newspapers and on television. In academia, we have had an impact. I also participated with the Moroccan embassy to forums to defend our national cause», he recalls.
After obtaining a PhD in philosophy of history and of sociology, the researcher began his career as an assistant professor in the philosophy department of the same university. He remembers being the first Moroccan student at the establishment. The university has 12 faculties, in addition to an engineering institute.
Karim Kassab is quickly promoted to professor. A year before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, he was appointed by the university to head the department of studies, training of foreign students and staff.
Furthermore, he has participated in numerous seminars in several countries, in addition to the publication of numerous research articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Professor Kassab also holds numerous awards and certifications, including an award from the President of Ukraine in 2010-2011, for his research work on «The interaction of competition and partnership as a principle of global social development, in the context of issues of national security».
After the war with Russia
The city of Zaporizhia is only about 30 kilometers from the current Russian-Ukrainian war front. During Karim Kassab's interview with Yabiladi, sirens sounded on his side to warn of incoming Russian bombings. This alert is now part of the daily lives of residents, he explained.
In this sense, the Moroccan academic stressed that since the beginning of the war, the situation has become very difficult. In addition to the continued surge in prices, all residents face the same travel difficulties. For good reason, it has become almost impossible for any holder of Ukrainian citizenship to leave the territory, with a few exceptions.
«I have not returned to Morocco since 2014. When I finally planned to travel, the pandemic affected us, like everywhere else. After that, the war started, and the current measures did not allow me to travel. The embassy is closed. Our dream now is to be able to return home one day».
Karim Kassab
The Casablanca-native concludes that his greatest hope is to see «the end of this war which has turned the situation upside down, as well as the reopening of the borders».

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