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Diaspo #41: Youssef Sbai, allowing Italy to know more about Islam
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 05 - 2018

Youssef Sbai has more than one string to his bow. This Moroccan national has been living in Italy since the 1980s. He has his own export company, prepares his doctoral thesis and trains policemen and prison officials to better understand Islam.
Youssef Sbai is a role model Moroccans living abroad should look up to. The 58-year-old man is curious, and passionate about knowledge. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis to better understand the world around him.
Born in Rabat, Youssef Sbai studied at Moulay Youssef High school, then flew to Italy to study architecture. «Through the Italian embassy in Rabat, I managed to get myself a scholarship granted by the Moroccan Ministry of Education», he told Yabiladi.
Once in Genoa, the young man carried on his studies and secured a job in an Italian company that exports marble to Saudi Arabia. Luckily, the father created his own business, exporting marble to Morocco. «It's my main job», said youssef while laughing.
Curious and sharing
Upon his arrival in Italy, Youssef joined the Muslim Student Union. In 1990, he became the union's president and the following year he co-founded the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy. Shortly he served as the union's vice-president for three years.
Despite his busy schedule, Youssef Sbai needed more : «In 2010, I participated to classes that the Turin University organized for Muslim leaders and organizations. They were chaired by the Italian Interior Ministry and aimed to allow the Italian society to know more about Islam and Muslims».
The year after, Youssef Sbai started a Master's degree at the Padua University on Islam in Europe. Once he received his degree, he started delivering lectures at the same university to later apply for a PhD in social sciences. «My thesis is focuses on breaking down the religious discourse in Italian mosques from a sociological point of view», he explained.
To be more objective in his scientific research, Youssef Sbai put an end to his activities as an activist in 2015 : «I realized that I can not do both things at the same time, it is contradictory».
In addition to his academic researches, Youssef Sbai trains policemen at the Higher Institute of Penitentiary Studies. «The first thing I do is changing the image they have about Islam», he said. To achieve his goal, he «always refers to Morocco».
«I use Morocco as an example with its 80 Catholic or Protestant churches. Dozens of Christian and Jewish associations exist in Morocco, living in harmony within the society».
Youssef Sbai
According to him, prison staff and police officers «think that all Muslims are the same, they do not know that Islam has a diversified form. [His] task is to make them understand that Islam in Italy is different from other parts of the world».
Islam classes in prisons have gained so much notoriety in Europe, as they are offered only in Italy. «I was invited by the European Parliament's Special Committee on Terrorism last April to present Italy's efforts in the fight against radicalization. The parliamentarians were very curious to know about it», he proudly announced.
Despite his hectic lifestyle,Youssef is still attached to his homeland. «I visit Morocco three to five times a year. I am very attached to the country because all my family lives there. In addition to my work, marble export, I often travel to see my clients», he adds.
Managing all these activities requires a lot of organization, as Youssef Sbai concedes. But once he finishes his PhD, he plans to take a little time for himself, to better think about his ambitions for the future.

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