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The first of Ramadan is Friday in France, Belgium and Saudi Arabia
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 04 - 2020

While several countries will observe the new crescent moon on Thursday, others have already announced the first day of Ramadan.
While several countries are expected to sight the crescent of the holy month of Ramadan on Thursday evening, others have already announced that the first day of the holy month is on Friday, April 24.
The first day of Ramadan is Saturday in Morocco, as announced on Thursday night by the country's Ministry of Endowment.
Muslims in France will be observing Ramadan on Friday, as it is the first day of the holy month, the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) announced on Thursday.
In Belgium, the first day of Ramadan is also Friday, the Muslim Executive of Belgium wrote Thursday on its official website.
The first day of Ramadan is also Friday, April 24, in Qatar, which annouced this afternoon that Thursday is the last day of Shaaban.
لجنة تحري رؤية الهلال : غداً أول أيام شهر #رمضان المبارك #تلفزيون_قطر #لأجل_قطر_كلنا_في_البيت
— تلفزيون قطر (@QatarTelevision) April 23, 2020
In the United Arab Emirates, Ramadan will start on Friday, the UAE's moon-sighting committee announced late on Thursday, Gulf News wrote.
In Oman, the Main Committee of Moon Sighting at the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs did not receive any reports of moon sightings on Thursday evening, announcing that Ramadan will begin on Saturday, April 25 in Oman, Times of Oman said.
Saudi Arabia announced, Thursday, that the first day of Ramadan in the country is Friday, April 24, following the moon sighting. The announcement was made by the country's supreme court.
#عاجل #الديوان_الملكي: #المحكمة_العليا: تقرر أن غداً الجمعة 1/9/1441ه حسب تقويم أم القرى الموافق 24 / 4 / 2020 هو غرة شهر #رمضان المبارك لهذا العام.#واس
— واس الأخبار الملكية (@spagov) April 23, 2020
In Singapore, the crescent for the month of Ramadan appeared on Thursday. Hence, the first day of Ramadan is Friday, April 24.
«Our country, as well as the rest of the world, is currently fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. Besides the act of fasting, we should also play our part to stay at home to prevent the spread of this deadly virus», the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore wrote in a statement Thursday.
Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia
In Japan, the first day of Ramadan falls on the same day, Friday April 24, the Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan. «Although the Hilal was not sighted in Japan, the sighting of Hilal was confirmed by the Islamic Authorities in Malaysia» on Thursday.
In Malaysia, Muslims will begin the Ramadan dawn-to-dusk fast on Friday, local newspaper the Star wrote today, quoting the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad.
Indonesia has also announced that the first day of the holy month is Friday, April 24. The Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi made the announcement on Thursday, CNN Indenesia reports.
Egypt's Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam announced that Friday is the first day of Ramadan in the country after the crescent was sighted. In a statement, the Mufti indicated that «Egypt's Ministry of Endowments previously said that 'Tarawih' – evening prayers during Ramadan – will be suspended this year along with all other mass prayers in mosques».
The same thing goes for Iraq, which announced that Ramadan is to start on Friday. According to the president of the Sunni Endowment Saad Kambash, the first day of Ramadan will be April 24. The announcement was made after a committee from the endowment observed the new crescent moon which marks the beginning of the Muslim fasting month.
Meanwhile, Iraqi Shias will sight the crescent of the holy month of Ramadan on Thursday to determine when to fast.
Lebanon, Germany and Australia
In Mediterranean country Lebanon, the Grand Mufti of the country Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian said that «Thursday is the last day of Shaban», announcing that Friday is the first day of the holy Ramadan.
In Germany, the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) announced that the first of Ramadan will be Friday, April 24, in the country, a statement sent Thursday to Yabiladi read.
In Australia, the Hilaal of Ramadan «has not been sighted anywhere in Australia», a statement read. «Therefore, the National Hilaal Committee members of Australia have declared that the month of Ramadan will begin from Saturday, 25th of April», the body announced.
Meanwhile in Australia, the Australian Fatwa Council announced that the holy month of Ramadan starts on Friday, based on calculations.
Statement Regarding the Commencement of The Holy Month of Ramadan 1441H - 2020.
Australian National Imams Council (@ImamsCouncil) April 20, 2020
Turkey has revealed that the first day of the holy month of Ramadan is Friday, April 24, 2020.
In New Zealand, the Federation of Islamic Associations announced in a communiqué that the new moon for Ramadan 1441H has not been sighted on Thursday. «Therefore tomorrow will be 30th of Sha'ban and Saturday (i.e. 25th April 2020) will be 1st of Ramadan 1441H In Sha Allah», the communiqué said.
In Pakistan, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony announced, Wednesday, that Ramadan is to begin Saturday, April 25, in the country as the new moon has not been sighted.
Article modifié le 2020/04/23 à 23h50

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