The Quebec Mosque is currently undergoing major renovations estimated at $1.2 million, wrote CBC Canada. The works will make the Muslim place of worship «safer», the Canadian broadcaster said, adding that they would also «create more space for the growing number of worshipers». «It is comforting — after everything we went through, we need to have some happy moments», the mosque's former president, Mohamed Labidi, told CBC. He explained that the renovations are expected to end by June 2020, adding that they were scheduled before the terror attack that targeted the mosque three years ago. The works will include additional entranceways and a buffer zone with a large foyer. The expansions will allow the mosque to welcome 300 additional worshippers. «On Fridays, all our floors are full. It's hard to find an empty space, so it's necessary», Labidi, who is now on the mosque's board of directors, added. For the record, six worshippers were killed and nineteen others were injured in the Quebec City mosque which took place on January 29, 2017.