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Diaspo #80 : Fouad Zrhari, a Moroccan watchmaker and businessman
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 02 - 2019

Born in France, near the country's border with Switzerland, Fouad Zrhari was into metalwork, which made him discover his passion for watchmaking. Today, he is a distinguished watchmaker with a brand that is famous among stars and celebrities.
Born in France to Moroccan parents and living with an elder sister and a little brother, Fouad Zrhari has made himself a name in the world of watchmaking. He was recently considered as one of the «first Moroccan watchmakers in history» by local media.
Zrhari did not know, at the beginning of his career, that his life would take this turn. His father, from Kelaat-M'Gouna, was a car worker and his mother, from Khouribga, was a housewife who took care of her children at home.
«I grew up in the environment my parents set for us, but by starting a career in metalwork after graduating high-school in Alsace, I began getting interested in unique and luxurious pieces», he told Yabiladi.
As a metalwork artist, Fouad Zrhari was amazed with what he was capable of creating. «We did things with love and not for money and fame», he explained. Today and after years of working in the shadow, his watch brand «Groupe Khalis» is located in Illzach (France).
«It is this hard-working spirit that I now try to teach to my trainees and to the young people I welcome in my shop; I am someone who dreams a lot and who gets up in the morning clinging to his dreams, giving himself the means to get there», he told Yabiladi.
From metalwork to luxurious watchmaking
Fouad Zrhari's love for watchmaking started in the 2000s. «It grew more in 2002», said the artist, adding that «one day, in the streets of Zurich, I was walking with a friend, and I saw watch shops, with big signs, I was fascinated by the way these pieces were made and how they were displayed, their precision and the manner in which they were filled with diamonds».
At that moment, the Moroccan artist who knew nothing to the industry, realized that it was exactly what he wanted to do. He then undertook the necessary training to enter the world of watchmaking and acquire the know-how.
«I passed the test and later, I was recruited by the same brand in Zurich, where I saw the watches that made me want to do the work I do today», he declared with pride. Starting his first job in the industry, Zrhari discovered over the days and years this marvelous universe.
He worked with leading Swiss watchmakers, served prominent clients, met with international stars, as well as «footballers, former Russian ministers, princes from the Gulf, and Turkish businessmen ...».
He also worked for several prestigious companies, including Rolex. In 2013, he began to make his first watches in total discretion, «without saying anything to anyone», then developed the idea of making «a Moroccan watch» by giving it a strong brand identity.
«I incorporated Hindi figures inside, with a particular form, and I gave this model the name of Elaqsa, symbolizing the extreme part of the three regions of the Great Maghreb, although some see it as a reference to the Al-Aqsa Mosque», he said.
International watchmaking
Fouad Zrhari's brand was revealed to the public, when he was introduced by regional daily L'Alsace as «the first Moroccan watchmaker in history». Since then, he has been receiving more and more calls, from famous figures. «It encouraged me even more to shape the identity of an international watchmaking brand in Morocco», says the craftsman.
«So I designed a version of models called 'Slim', then one called 'R-Bâti', referring to the capital of Morocco. My brand has attracted stars such as French Montana, Red-One, Douzi, among others, in addition to Arab and Turkish personalities».
Fouad Zrhari
Fouad «slowly but surely evolved by remembering where [he comes from]» he told Yabiladi. He is currently «making a third model that will be sold online, addressed to a wider range of customers who want valuable watches, without necessarily being unique pieces».
Fouad Zeghari recalls that he had the initial idea of launching his brand in Morocco, to give him a real stamp. «The project was to set up a small factory in the country, to make an international manufacturing that is 100% Moroccan and create employment in my country, but I did not have enough support from national banks or actors who could sponsor the initiative», he regrets.
«It was a great risk that I could not afford without adequate safeguards; instead, I kept a Moroccan identity in the manufacturing process, even when it is done elsewhere», says Fouad.
Indeed, the latter is never far from Morocco. He «collaborates with Rachid Benchekroun, a craftsman of leather goods, who [allows] him to work with Moroccan products» that the watchmaker imports from the Kingdom.
Thus, he explains that the leather goods used to make his pieces «come from Morocco, which remain very present in the shop».
His shop is also a platform for other Moroccan artists. «I exhibit pieces of Moroccan designers, like paintings, especially those offered by the painter Souamaya Drissi Alami», he adds.
In his projects, Fouad Zrhari wants to open up more to the wider public, rather than remain only in «a privileged sphere». Thus, he aims to design «more accessible watches by diversifying ranges and interior components». A work that he does in parallel with several charitable actions, through which he financially supports social actions and public utility.

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