Several organizations, NGOs and activists will rallied in Spain to protest against the expulsion of 116 migrants, says El Faro de Ceuta. Rallies are expected to take place in twenty Spanish cities, including Barcelona, Algeciras, Madrid, Malga, Melilla, Seville and Zaragoza, to denounce the migration policy of Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska. Concentración en #Bilbao de @OEEbizkaia @sosracismobiz y Comunidad Africana contra las devoluciones express de migrantes y refugiados y por una política migratoria que respete los #DDHH @Caravana_AF @APDHA @OEEgetxo @OEE7kaleak @errefuxiatuakDu @LGEA @onetergi @FundacEllacuria — Ecuador Etxea (@EcuadorEtxea) 5 septembre 2018 In Ceuta, members of «El Circulo del Silencio», a network that fights against violence and supports migrants, will gather on September the 12th to reject the Spanish migration policy. Recently, in Morocco, nine NGOs have criticized the decision taken by the Spanish government, sending back migrants to Morocco after they «violently» entered Ceuta. The Anti-racist Group for the Support and Defense of Foreigners and Migrants (GADEM), the Moroccans Association of Human Rights (AMDH) and ATTAC also denounced «flagrant violations of the basic rights of sub-Saharan migrants».