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UK's tourist firm stops selling tickets to animal attractions as Agadir opens its first Dolphin Park
Publié dans Yabiladi le 31 - 07 - 2018

As Agadir inaugurates its first Dolphin attraction park, UK's largest travel company Thomas Cook stops selling animal attractions' ticket to its customers, citing animal welfare.
British global travel company Thomas Cook will stop selling tickets to attraction parks known to harm animals, starting from next summer, reported British online newspaper the Telegraph on Monday.
The UK's largest operator referred in particular to well-known attraction parks, such as SeaWorld in Florida (USA) and Loro Parque in Tenerife (Spain) which host killer whales. The firm stated that by adopting the new policy, it will remove the two sites from its «holiday brochures».
Thomas Cook's decision comes as a way of taking into consideration «customer expectations» related to animal welfare, says the company's chief executive Peter Frankhauser in a blog post.
According to Frankkhauser, «the operator's research showed that more than 90 per cent of customers want their holiday company to take animal welfare seriously».
Indeed, Thomas Cook approved an animal welfare policy 18 months ago and as a result deleted 29 animal attractions from its books.
«When we introduced that policy, we recognized that customer expectations were changing when it comes to animal attractions», said Fankhauser.
«We also talked about the important role tourism has to play during the transition to ending practices that are known to harm animals».
Thomas Cook's chief executive Peter Frankhauser
A Dolphin park in Agadir
Thomas Cook's decision can somehow affect Morocco and most precisely Agadir. The city, considered as the Kingdom's best resort destination, has just inaugurated a animal attraction park, hosting five sea mammals.
The «Agadir Dauphins Show» which started in July the 7th, is home to four dolphins and a seal. «[The Park] was built in compliance with international norms and standards for spectators and animals», wrote the Agadir Dolphin World on its official website.
«Now, set off on holiday to Morocco, know that you will experience new impressions and unforgettable emotions at a sea animal show of the world standard (sic)», stressed the animal attraction.
It seems that Agadir is relying more and more on sites like the Agadir Dolphin World to attract animal lovers and tourists and boost the city's profile as a touristic destination.
The southern town is also home to the Crocodile Park, and amusement park that is hosts more than 300 Nile crocodiles.

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