Morocco's ambassador to Nouakchott Hamid Chabar was received Monday, 25th of June, by Mauritania's Foreign Minister, Ismail Ould Cheikh, says the Mauritanian press agency (AMI). The meeting comes just a few days after the Moroccan diplomat was granted an audience with President Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz. Appointed on June the 11th, Ould Cheikh has been meeting with representatives of foreign countries in Mauritania. Before receiving the Moroccan ambassador, he held talks with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and France. Meeting Chabar comes as Nouakchott is trying to ensure King Mohammed VI's presence in the African Union's 31st summit, scheduled for July the 1st and 2nd in Mauritania. Last Thursday, the spokesperson for the Mauritanian government told media that they couldn't tell if the Moroccan sovereign is attending the meeting.