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Cutting ties with Iran : Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain welcome Morocco's decision
Publié dans Yabiladi le 02 - 05 - 2018

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the first countries to support Morocco after it decided to cut diplomatic ties with Iran. Meanwhile, neighboring country Kuwait has not reacted to the situation yet.
Morocco's decision to sever diplomatic relations with Iran has been welcomed by some of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, reports the Saudi, Emirati Bahraini and Qatari foreign ministries.
The United Arab Emirates was the first Gulf nation to back the Moroccan move.
«We stand with Morocco in its concern over its national causes and against Iranian interferences in its domestic affairs. Our orientation in support of Morocco is a historical legacy which was established by Sheikh Zayed and King Hassan, may they rest in peace, and our stance is fixed for better or worse», said Emirati Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash in a tweet.
نقف مع المغرب في حرصها على قضاياها الوطنية وضد التدخلات الإيرانية في شؤونها الداخلية، سياستنا وتوجهنا الداعم للمغرب إرث تاريخي راسخ أسس له الشيخ زايد والملك الحسن، رحمهم الله، وموقفنا ثابت في السراء والضراء.
— د. أنور قرقاش (@AnwarGargash) 1 mai 2018
Bahrain has also voiced its support for the Kingdom in the person of its Foreign Affairs minister Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa. «We stand with Morocco, which has always supported us. We strongly back its just decision cutting diplomatic relations with Iran following its support for Morocco's enemies in collaboration with terrorist militia Hezbollah», he tweeted.
نقف مع المغرب في كل موجب كما يقف معنا دائما . و نؤيدبقوة قراره الصائب بقطع العلاقات مع ايران نتيجة دعمها لأعداء #المغرب بالتعاون مع حزب الله الإرهابي
حفظ الله الملك محمد السادس و الشعب المغربي الشقيق
— خالد بن ‏أحمد (@khalidalkhalifa) 1 mai 2018
Three hours later, the minister revealed having had spoken over the phone to his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita. Manama's statement makes sense as in March 2009, Rabat restrained diplomatic relations with Tehran to defend Bahrain's sovereignty.
In a less engaged reaction, an official source at the Saudi Foreign ministry expressed the country's «support for the Kingdom of Morocco in its recent decision».
1. #Iran is destabilizing the security of Arab and Islamic countries by igniting sectarianism, interfering in their internal affairs, and supporting terrorism.
— عادل بن أحمد الجبير (@AdelAljubeir) 1 mai 2018
Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir then wrote on his Twitter account that «Iran is destabilizing the security of Arab and Islamic countries by igniting sectarianism, interfering in their internal affairs, and supporting terrorism».
«What Iran has done to the Kingdom of Morocco through its proxies (Hezbollah terrorist organization) training the so-called Polisario Front is a solid proof of Iran's interference».
Kuwait's silence
Doha has expressed its support for the Kingdom of Morocco, despite its current crisis with other countries in the Gulf region. Qatar stands with Morocco in its attempts «to preserve its territorial unity and defend its sovereignty», said the country in a communiqué issued to reassure the Kingdom.
On the other hand, Kuwait has not reacted yet to the news. The country's official news agency (KUNA) has briefly reported the Moroccan decision.
For the record, Moroccan foreign Ministry announced Tuesday that it has cut diplomatic ties with Iran, citing Hezbollah's support for the Polisario Front.

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