The former head of the Spanish intelligence services, Jorge Dezcallar, who served from 2001 to 2004, praised the collaboration between his country and Morocco in the fight against terrorism. Cooperation «has always been excellent even during moments when the two countries have political differences», he said in an interview with Elconfidencial. In fact, collaborating to fight against radical islamist groups, he said, offers politicians «reliable channels» to communicate, stressing that «ISIS is a serious danger for both Morocco and Spain». For the record, Dezcallar, who served in the past as Spain's ambassador to Morocco, was the first civilian to head the Spanish intelligence services agency. Las week, during a meeting held in Madrid with Moroccan MPs, Spanish Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido, hailed the efforts made by «Moroccan intelligence services which share information» and collaborate with Spain to fight against terrorism. He announced that «in the coming days, Morocco and Spain will sign a new security agreement».