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Diaspo # 13 / Malca : «I want to be an artist, I want to create and tell stories»
Publié dans Yabiladi le 04 - 11 - 2017

Malca, a Casablanca native and lover who is shining bright little by little in the world of music. The young man is making himself noticed by merging two musical styles, namely Electropop and Arabic romanticism. Last week, the artist released «Casablanca Jungle», a song dedicated to Casablanca. Portrait.
Malca is the new Electropop music rising star in Morocco. The French-Moroccan artist based in Paris was born in Casablanca, a city that he cherishes and loves so much. The 28-year-old man is full of energy and is driven by the desire of contributing to the «Arab pop culture», highlighting his Moroccan origins and making it an authentic product.
After high school, Malca left Casablanca in 2007 to live in Paris, the French capital. «I left to study journalism at first. However, on my first year I immediately understood that I wanted to do music which I loved since my teenage years. I changed my plans and went to a school of music, this experience allowed me to meet new people», Malca told Yabiladi.
«In music, there is no degree out there that makes an artist out of you. You can have the fanciest degree from Bekeley or Boston. You can graduate but you are not sure you can get a job with that. I quickly understood that I was lucky to meet great people who trusted me and with whom I still work today.»
His entourage allowed him to get inspired and boost his talent. «I can do everything my own, but I can't do it perfectly. I need to bring my ideas to people who are able to challenge me». His manager Sqalli is «a childhood friend» who also takes care of the artistic part. While production and arrangement are managed by Louis Summer, Malca writes music. Very attached to his family, the Casablanca native says:
«I have an exceptional family. A father who always encourages me, he was the only one who believed in me. My mother supports me also. I have a little brother, four years younger than me, who lives with me in Paris, he is my best friend and my best supporter. My family raised me very well and gave me a lot of courage».
Arab pop culture
The artist wants above all to create a signature, something that would differentiate him from the others to tell the story of people he meets. «I work hard so that there is maximum coherence, musically and visually in my clips and my photos. I want the merger to be palpable all the time,» says Malca adding that «it's almost political. I want to make a pop project coming from the Arab world. The latter is not yet palpable for the moment, but which, for me, will be the common link between a whole generation that is Egyptian, Moroccan, Tunisian, etc. Arab pop culture is intergenerational.»
The art that inspires Malca is the one that breaks the barriers and the boundaries set in the world. «That's the meaning of my song 'Casablanca Jungle'. I want to show how much we can get closer and break these boundaries, which we had previously created,» adds the artist.
Casablanca my love
Once started on Casablanca, Malca does not stop any more, his love for the city transcends everything. Moreover, many of his clips are a sort of an ode to the White city. «I do almost six back-and-forth trips a year. Casablanca is my cortex. It's the source of my wildest stories. My inspiration in other words. The east / west relationship that exists at Casa is fascinating. For me, there is everything to build. I need to be there, to absorb what's going on. In Paris, I can be very much of a homebody or spend a lot of time in my studio, but in Casablanca I would live in the fast lane. It inspires me a lot,» says the young man.
Malca is gaining notoriety every year, but he has come a long way. For ten years, the French-Moroccan struggled to learn the ins and outs of the industry without giving up. «I am going to be 29 years old at the end of the year, I have ten years of hardship behind me». The ambition of the artist is not to break through at all costs, on the contrary: «whether I get there or not, it does not matter. I enjoy life a lot. Especially at the moment, because I have not always had success, whether at school or in high school. I try to appreciate these short-lived moments», he said.
«I want to make my loved ones dream, and believe in me. That's what makes me tick. And above all, I want to be an artist, I want to create and tell stories, make good music. Creation for me is a an outlet».

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