The program dedicated to protecting children from the dangers of the Internet, dubbed e-salama, was launched on Friday by the Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development with the help of the European Council. This program aims at structuring the initiatives of actors working in the field of child protection and involving civil society and the private sector. The objective is to create a dynamic cooperation in protecting children from the non-secured use Internet. This initiative will help train professionals working in the field : researchers, teachers and parents to warn against the dangers and misuse of Internet. The Minister of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development, Bassima Hakkaoui said on the occasion : «If the sexual exploitation of children is one of the worst forms of exploitations in the world, the most dangerous ones today are crimes related to internet.» According to the Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development, this development entails many risks that are difficult to cope with, namely violent content, pornography, identity of children or their exploitation for sexual purposes, which requires the consolidation of efforts to develop mechanisms and new approaches to protect them. The e-Salama program is based on five pillars relating to protection services through the strengthening of the capacities of the security forces in the field of combating sexual exploitation and content that harms children. The program supports societal initiatives through the organization of public awareness campaigns and debates.