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Abou Hafs : « My opinion concerning inheritance laws is a new interpretation of religious texts»
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 04 - 2017

Abdelwahab Rafiki, also known as Abou Hafs, has shown his support for the review of inheritance laws in Islam. A controversial event that was heavily criticized by Moroccan salafists, and resulted later in Abou Hafs being expelled from the Ulemas Rabita organization. Interview.
After being jailed for 9 years, Moroccan Islamist Abdelwahab Rafiki is now accused of hypocrisy by his old fellows. Invited by Moroccan TV channel 2M, Abou Hafs gave his blessing to the reform of inheritance laws in Islam resulting in a huge wave of criticism.
Yabiladi : How did you react to the decision taken by the Arab Maghreb Ulemas Rabita which ended your membership?
I was expecting the Rabita's decision as they had repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction toward my opinions and my ideas. They considered my point of views unacceptable for all the Ulemas members of the Rabita. However, this group is only a Rabita that does not have any tangible impact and has not organized any meeting or seminar since its foundation three years ago. It exerces no activities either apart from releasing communiqués via Whatsapp now and then. As a result, I believe that the Rabita's decision has no importance and does not deserve any reaction.
After being invited by 2M, have you been reached by Moroccan salafists? And if yes, did they try to change your mind ?
No, not at all. No one called me. What happened is that some preachers who are members of said rabita outside Morocco, called me and tried to make me repent according to them. I replied to them, insisting on the fact that the matter should be discussed and debated and that further research should be carried concerning inheritance.
All salafist leaders have criticized your recent media apparition…
Of course, because what I said contradicts the salafists' understanding of religion and reality. My opinion contradicts what they believe in and hence affects their creed. They believe that they are guardians of religion and all faith-related matters.
I have tried to criticize many things, so it is normal that they are reacting to that, especially when it comes to wasting others' time. Many of them that I know personally have no intellectual motivation they are driven by personal interests that allow them to survive. That is why approaching a matter like this angers them.
Did you expect that your statement would be very controversial ?
Of course, I did not expect that my opinion would result in such a wave of criticism. However, I fully understand that the salafist ideology won't accept my opinion. Since it is an ideology that rejects all those who do not share the same opinion.
Are you fully convinced of the statement you made during "Confidence de presse" ?
My declaration is just the beginning of a new era. The matter is not only about inheritance laws, it also includes a new way of thinking. A new interpretation of religious texts; it is bigger than the review of inheritance laws. My point of view is just part of a new project that is based on criticizing misleading popular and consensual thinking and establishing a new way of explaining and interpreting religious texts. An interpretation, that goes hand in hand with the current events and generation.
Have you received support after all the criticism you were subject to ?
I have been backed by several people, including researchers who have worked on Islamic sciences. Unfortunately, they prefer to remain anonymous…

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