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Ruling Party and charity in Morocco scrutinized for alleged electoral exploitation of charity work
Publié dans Yabiladi le 14 - 03 - 2025

Controversy surrounding the use of a state-owned truck by the «Joud» association, which is linked to the Prime Minister's party, to distribute Ramadan food baskets has reached parliament. Accusations have resurfaced against the association, alleging the exploitation of charitable work for electoral purposes.
Two Moroccan MPs have raised concerns about the alleged exploitation of state resources for electoral purposes by a charity linked to the ruling party.
On Thursday, Member of Parliament Fatima Tamni, from the Democratic Left Federation, submitted a written question to the Minister of Interior regarding «the exploitation of citizens' poverty and state resources for electoral purposes by an association linked to the Prime Minister».
Her question came after social media users shared images of a truck from Tioughza, a small town and rural commune in the Sidi Ifni Province of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, parked outside a house reportedly belonging to the family of government spokesperson Mustapha Baitas. The truck was said to be carrying Ramadan food baskets for the «Joud» charity, which is believed to be associated with the National Rally of Independents party (RNI).
«In a blatant attack on democracy, entities that claim to be charitable but are close to the ruling party are taking advantage of the poverty worsened by the government itself to sway public opinion as elections approach», Tamni stated in her written inquiry.
She added that available information confirmed «several violations, including the use of state equipment and a truck in front of a government minister's house, to transport aid linked to a charitable organization».
The MP argued that these actions «undermine the foundations of democracy and represent an abuse of power». She further alleged that the «association, which claims to be charitable and is linked to the Prime Minister, has been absent from important events, instead pursuing partisan interests».
«What measures are you planning to take to stop these practices, including the exploitation of state resources for electoral purposes and the use of citizens' poverty to influence them in preparation for upcoming elections?» Tamni asked the Minister of Interior.
Similarly, Rachid Hamouni, head of the Progress and Socialism group in the House of Representatives, sent a written question to the Minister of Interior on the same issue. He highlighted «the actions of the Joud Foundation, the charitable arm of the ruling party, which conducts large-scale distributions of 'in-kind assistance' through an extensive network, often using public resources and assets under the guise of community work».
He alleged that this aid «is presented as acts of solidarity and charity, but the electoral context is clear to all, revealing an unethical and illegal exploitation of the poverty and vulnerability of the underprivileged to 'lure voters' to the party currently in power, which has well-known and overt connections to this organization».
Hamouni questioned the Minister of Interior, «What actions are being taken, or will be taken, to strictly enforce the legal regulations governing the distribution of humanitarian aid, particularly with regard to the Joud Foundation and its practices, which have clear partisan and electoral ties that are widely discussed in public opinion?»
It is worth noting that the governor of the Sidi Ifni province had sent a letter to the heads of municipalities, warning against «the use of municipal resources and equipment for political purposes». The letter stated, «I have been informed that some municipal heads have been using municipal vehicles and equipment for political and electoral activities unrelated to local public affairs, which is a clear violation of the laws and regulations in force».
The governor added, «I urge you to monitor the use of municipal resources and ensure they are only authorized for public interest and within the boundaries of the law».
On Thursday, Mustapha Baitas (RNI), the government spokesperson, avoided answering questions on this issue during a press briefing that followed a government meeting, stating, «The political issues raised recently will be addressed at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner».
It is worth noting that a similar controversy surrounding the Joud Association arose before the 2021 elections, with accusations against the National Rally of Independents party for using charitable work for electoral purposes.

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