Fatima Tamni, a member of parliament for the Democratic Left Federation (FDG), has submitted a written question to the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, regarding the collective exodus of young Moroccans to Ceuta. The opposition FDG MP attributes this wave of «forced migration» to «poverty, unemployment, marginalization, and the pursuit of unpopular policies that only impoverish and make the poor poorer and the rich richer». Tamni argues that «poverty, exclusion, unemployment, the lack of decent and sustainable employment opportunities, and the high cost of living» are factors that have driven these young people «to risk their lives in search of better living conditions that would bring them closer to the dream of a decent life». After criticizing the «failure» of the Akhannouch government, the FDG deputy questioned «the wisdom of pursuing public policies that do not benefit citizens but rather are responsible for the deterioration of conditions for large sections of the Moroccan population». She concluded by urging the head of government to «take urgent measures to save these young people who have chosen the perilous path of death».