The Polisario Front is capitalizing on the return of the left to power in Uruguay, as evidenced by the presence of Brahim Ghali in Montevideo at the inauguration ceremony of the new Uruguayan president, Yamandú Orsi, held yesterday, according to the Front's news agency on Sunday, March 2. Uruguay has recognized the so-called «Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR)» since December 26, 2005, a decision made following the rise to power of the left-wing coalition Frente Amplio (Broad Front) on October 31, 2004. The election of center-right president Luis Lacalle Pou in December 2019 did not lead to any significant changes regarding Uruguay's recognition of the entity. Brahim Ghali's visit to Uruguay comes at a time when the Polisario has suffered setbacks in South America, notably with Panama and Ecuador suspending their recognition of the «SADR». These developments were followed on February 14 by a resolution from the Colombian Congress urging President Gustavo Petro to reconsider his August 2022 decision to reestablish relations with the entity.