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Danish duo spreads love and music across Morocco's streets
Publié dans Yabiladi le 20 - 02 - 2025

Danish musicians Sarah and Patrick, who met in 2017, traveled to Morocco in February to perform street music, drawing large crowds and viral attention. Overwhelmed by the warm reception, the couple, who have been traveling the world to perform their music in the streets, plan to return.
Their love for making music has taken them on a journey of six years, traveling around the world and playing music on the streets—streets they had never visited before and in front of audiences of all races and nationalities.
Along that journey, Sarah and Patrick, who met back in 2017 during a music class in Denmark, found love—moving from best friends to lovebirds. That same love brought them to Morocco in the month of love: February. The Danish musicians decided to perform in the streets of Morocco after a trip to the country last year.
«For a long time, we wanted to play in Africa, but we weren't sure where to start», said the couple, whose street performance videos in Morocco went viral. «Last year, we were in Agadir and Marrakech, and we thought, why not try Morocco?» they recalled in a phone interview with Yabiladi.
Sarah and Patrick performing in Morocco. / Ph. DR
Sarah and Patrick chose northern Morocco for this trip. Their videos performing in public squares in Tangier, Tetouan, and Chefchaouen garnered a surprisingly positive response, with many attending in person and thousands more sharing and commenting online.
«We stayed in Tangier for eight days and performed in places like Tetouan and Chefchaouen. The response was amazing», the couple exclaimed. Even before starting, 100–150 people would stop and watch their performance, they proudly recalled. «It was really overwhelming in the best way, and we felt the love from the very beginning».
The couple, who initially planned to play music in Morocco three or four times, ended up staying longer and performing six times during their eight-day stay. «The warmth from the people was so strong», they mentioned. «It was incredible!»
Sarah and Patrick playing music in Morocco streets. / Ph. DR
They documented their journey of playing music in Morocco on their Instagram, Life of a Busker, where they were overwhelmed by messages from Moroccans asking them to come to their cities and perform.
«The videos from Tetouan really exploded, which we didn't expect at all», Sarah said. In Morocco, the couple performed their original songs, «a mix of soft pop and singer-songwriter style», they noted. They also played covers of other songs, with «just piano (Sarah), guitar (Patrick), and vocals».
Sarah and Patrick who are currently in Spain plan to return to Morocco soon and perform in other cities for a Moroccan audience that now knows their music. «We definitely plan to come back and perform in more cities», they promised.

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