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Mauritania agrees to major strategic projects with Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 01 - 2025

Morocco and Mauritania have recently engaged in discussions about significant strategic projects, including electricity and internet connectivity, as well as the establishment of a second land crossing between the two countries.
Moroccan-Mauritanian relations are witnessing a notable upswing, as the two nations engage in discussions to enhance cooperation across various sectors, including electricity network interconnection, high-speed internet, and road infrastructure.
According to Al Arabiya, citing a «high-level source», the Mauritanian government has informed Morocco of its consent to commence the electricity interconnection project. This initiative also encompasses the integration of internet and telephone networks operated by the Moroccan Telecom Group. The source further revealed that ongoing discussions are focused on connecting land ports and road networks to foster commercial and economic integration. This strategic move aims to leverage the countries' geographical positions, transforming their shared border into a pivotal gateway for international trade between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
The source emphasized that studies and legislative preparations for a joint memorandum of understanding are complete. The memorandum is anticipated to be signed by the energy ministers of both countries by the end of the week.
Simultaneously, Morocco is advancing its efforts to open a new trade route with Mauritania. The construction of a 53-kilometer road section connecting Smara to the Mauritanian border is nearing completion. Initiated in February 2024 by the Royal Armed Forces, the project is progressing swiftly, with only the asphalt paving phase remaining before the road is opened to vehicular traffic.
This diplomatic momentum follows a visit by Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani to Rabat, where he met with King Mohammed VI. Subsequent to this visit, officials from both countries have engaged in a series of meetings. In September, Mauritanian Prime Minister Mokhtar Ould Ajayi met with Morocco's ambassador, Hamid Chabar, in Nouakchott. Concurrently, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita held discussions with his Mauritanian counterpart, Mohamed Salem Ould Marzouk, in New York during the 79th United Nations General Assembly session.
December witnessed Bourita's meeting with the President of the Mauritanian National Assembly, Mohamed Ould Maket, in Rabat, alongside talks in Nouakchott between Mauritania's Economy and Finance Minister, Sid Ahmed Ould Abouh, and Ambassador Hamid Chabar. Additionally, January saw Zakia Driouch, Morocco's Undersecretary of State for Agriculture and Fisheries, engage in discussions with Mauritanian Ambassador Ahmed Ould Bahia in Rabat.
In a notable shift, Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani's brief mention of the Sahara issue during his UN General Assembly speech in September signaled a move away from Polisario support. Furthermore, Mauritania requested that Polisario leader Brahim Ghali not attend an African conference on education and youth employment in December, reflecting a cooling of relations with the separatist Front. Mauritania has also opted out of joining an Algerian-led initiative to form an Arab Maghreb excluding Morocco, a project endorsed by Tunisia and Libya.

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