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Arab Journalists' Union backs Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara, faces Algerian backlash
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 01 - 2025

The General Union of Arab Journalists, in its recent General Secretariat and Permanent Bureau meeting from January 12-16, 2025, declared its backing for Morocco's territorial integrity and the autonomy proposal for the Sahara.
In an official statement, the Union reaffirmed its «firm positions regarding the affirmation of all manifestations of national sovereignty in all Arab countries and their legitimate rights to their national independence and its rejection of all forms and manifestations of separatism and fragmentation». It further emphasized its «full support for the unity and national sovereignty of Libya within the framework of the Libyan sovereign independent decision, and its support for the unity of the Moroccan territory in the face of the externally supported plot of separatism».
The Union also announced its «support for the autonomy plan within the framework of Moroccan national sovereignty over all Moroccan territory».
This stance drew sharp criticism from Algerian journalist organizations. The National Organization of Algerian Journalists expressed regret over what it termed the «deviation of the General Union of Arab Journalists», labeling the statement as «not related to the Arab press, nor to Arab journalists and their ethics».
The organization accused the General Union of Arab Journalists of attempting to «pass a colonialist agenda that was cooked up in Paris and adopted by the occupying Moroccan Makhzen».
Similarly, the National Council of Algerian Journalists voiced its «strong condemnation» of the Union's position, calling it «a serious deviation from the basic principles of international law and UN resolutions». They urged the Union to «respect the principles that require neutrality and independence in dealing with national and international issues and avoid getting involved in political positions that serve agendas that undermine the credibility of journalism».
Additionally, the National Union of Algerian Journalists and media professionals expressed its «condemnation» of the Union's stance, criticizing it for adopting views that do not align with the ethics of a constructive media profession, which advocates for justice for oppressed and underprivileged peoples.
In Algeria, the Sahara issue is a highly sensitive topic, with both private and public media strictly adhering to the official Algerian position on the matter.

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