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Nougat, a popular treat shaped by Arab-Muslim and European cultures
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 12 - 2024

Nougat has long been a favorite in Morocco, cherished by generations of children. This beloved treat is widely enjoyed during end-of-year holidays or purchased in bulk for various occasions. Its origins trace back to ancient medicinal practices and were later refined through the expertise of Arab confectioners. In some Spanish regions, nougat has become a staple local product, reflecting its cultural and historical journey from early medicinal uses to its place in modern culinary traditions.
In Morocco, nougat is an integral part of the most popular ancestral sweets, often sold in bulk to the delight of children and adults alike. In some regions, the know-how is a family business, passed down from father to son. It is enjoyed in various variations, mainly with almonds and egg whites whipped into meringue or with honey and flax seeds. These basic versions are more widely recognized across the Mediterranean, where this preparation is known by various names.
In Spain, RFI recently highlighted the family tradition of turrón, considered a «Christmas confectionery heir to the cultures of Islam». This nougat, also available in France, Malta, Italy, and even Germany, «has its origins in the Middle East, from where it was transported by the Arab-Andalusian and Jewish cultures to the Iberian Peninsula», the media reports.
But long before it was recognized as a popular refined confection, this mixture featured in ancient medical indications. Between the 1st and 2nd centuries, the Greek doctor Claudius Galen (129–201) described a combination to calm coughs, combining honey, almonds, and pine nuts.
Sweets shaped through the centuries
Long before its introduction in southern Europe, particularly in Sicily and Al-Andalus, sugar cane was added to this basic preparation in the Arab-Muslim courts of Mesopotamia. In addition to nougat, pastries were made with flour, almonds, anise, gum arabic, cinnamon, sesame, and orange blossom water. With the use of sugar in the Iberian Peninsula and on the Italian island during the Caliphate era, the preparation of desserts took a turn.
Many of these preparations combine flavors inspired or influenced by the know-how of the Orient, which the musician from Mosul, Ziryab, promoted in Muslim Andalusia. Abu Hassan Ali ben Nafi, a pioneer of Arab-Andalusian music, perpetuated certain gastronomic traditions of his ancestors throughout his life in Cordoba. The basis of these preparations would experience improvements and re-adaptations in various regions, such as Morocco.
Despite the departure of many Jewish and Muslim families from Al-Andalus, with the end of the Reconquista (722–1492), the know-how of ancestral confectionery continued in the region and spread elsewhere. From the 17th century in France, Montélimar nougat was considered the heir to its Arab, Catalan, and Italian versions. It gained popularity thanks to Olivier de Serres' almond trees.
In Morocco, this tradition became part of local sweets, particularly among families from the Iberian Peninsula. The same gestures and uses have been reproduced throughout the centuries, often in homes and later in artisanal shops.
Tangier represents one of the flagship regions where nougat built the strong reputation of Moroccan sweet traditions, meticulously preserved with the same compositions of yesteryear.
Nougat de Tangier: A family legacy
Not far from the Petit Socco, on the famous Siaghine Street in the medina, a craftsman opened a shop in 1952. Proudly displaying the local origin of the product, the brand called «Nougat de Tanger» has been managed from father to son, perpetuating customs deeply rooted in the family, even before the birth of this landmark, which has become a must-see in the northern city.
Driss Taïk, the current manager, preserves this parental heritage, ensuring the original recipe remains untouched. «I was born in 1965, and for me, this confectionery is always associated with my late father. I grew up watching him prepare it at home before he was encouraged by a friend to invest in his know-how», he told Yabiladi.
«Even today, we use the same composition, without glucose, artificial coloring, or other processed ingredients—just sugar, egg whites in meringue, and almonds».
The artisan confirmed a growing demand during the holiday season. «We see general enthusiasm throughout the year, but orders multiply as occasions like Christmas and New Year approach», he shared. The family's attachment to the traditional preparation has cemented the brand's success, recognized across generations.
«Beyond the economic aspects, the family shop is a landmark for elders in the neighborhood, friends who knew my father, and younger people whose parents witnessed the brand's birth. We cherish maintaining these human connections, sharing friendly moments around nougat», he added.
In its more than 70 years of existence, the Tangier nougat shop has attracted visitors from other Moroccan cities, as well as foreign tourists and connoisseurs of sweets. According to Driss Taïk, the multiple variations of the preparation reflect the wealth of influences that have shaped this popular yet refined confectionery.
The specialist in our childhood confectionery emphasizes, «The basic element remains egg white for almond, hazelnut, or peanut nougat; for 'brown nougat,' made with flax or sesame seeds, we only use honey».

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