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Moroccan trout, the new festive season favorite over salmon
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 12 - 2024

In addition to its nutritional qualities, trout's milder taste and salmon-like texture make it an increasingly popular choice. In some foreign markets, Moroccan trout is even on the verge of dethroning salmon, a variety that has suffered from its own success and international mass production. This trend is particularly noticeable ahead of the festive season, as many see this period as an opportunity to revisit classic starters or dishes, perfect for sharing with others.
In recent years, the increasing international demand for salmon has led to mass production, ultimately deterring some consumers. Concerns over the lack of traceability, questions about farming conditions, and opacity regarding fish feed have prompted restaurateurs and consumers to turn to local products. Trout, for instance, has seen a resurgence in interest.
Endemic to Morocco, trout was once central to traditional meals in regions where it thrived, though it became virtually extinct due to overfishing in freshwater environments. Now reintroduced to its natural habitats and farmed locally, trout has regained its status. Traditionally used less in couscous and more frequently stuffed, baked, or featured in tagines and other local dishes, its scarcity over the years caused it to fall out of favor. However, its availability in certain markets has sparked renewed interest in recent years.
The trout's appeal transcends borders. In the lead-up to the festive season, mostly christmas, trout has even outshined salmon in popularity, thanks to short distribution channels. Local production chains and smoked trout artisans have emerged in southeastern France, where the species thrives in suitable natural conditions. A recent France 3 report showcased the Saint-Bénigne experience in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Trout makes a comeback in Morocco
In Morocco, trout is intrinsically linked to regions known for their lakes, rivers, and natural freshwater sites. This is especially true in the Middle Atlas, spanning Ifrane and Azrou, as well as along the Oum Rabii basin, which stretches nearly 550 km.
In the Middle Atlas, the Fario trout is recognized as a historically local species, according to Ntla9awfbladna platform of the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT). The rainbow trout, introduced to Morocco from North America in 1925, has also gained prominence. Reflecting the cultural significance of trout, the Ras El Maa resort opened in 1957, promoting leisure fishing alongside its culinary value. Over the years, however, trout populations dwindled in freshwater rivers, with natural refuges now confined to hard-to-reach areas.
After years of reintroduction efforts, rainbow trout are now more prevalent in national basins. The Ras El Maa resort has expanded to include a fishing school promoting sustainable practices and an exhibition room that educates visitors on fish farming and the importance of biodiversity protection. To support the recovery of local species, various Salmo varieties are considered catch-and-release.
Though less widely available, other trout species contribute to the uniqueness of Moroccan trout. These include brook trout, brown trout (Salmo trutta), Mediterranean macrostigma, and Pellegrini, also known as Tensift trout. Endemic species like the green trout of Lake Isli (Salmo viridis), the Moroccan or Ifni trout (Salmo akairos), and the Dades fine spotted trout (Salmo multipunctata) remain exclusive to Morocco.
On the culinary front, Moroccan trout has gained such popularity that it has been featured in European culinary programs and on specialist websites.
Trout and salmon on the shelves
With trout's growing popularity, national agri-food industrialists have invested in the sector, ensuring respect for the fish's reproductive cycles and natural farming conditions. In 1989, Domaines Agricoles established an aquaculture unit, becoming one of the first processing facilities in Africa.
Aïn Aghbal and Oum Rabii trout are farmed without soy in the Azrou region, with traceability that meets European certification standards. On the market, whole rainbow trout typically weigh between 2 and 3 kg, selling for around 179 DH/kg. Smoked trout costs between 55 and 59 DH for 100 grams.
By comparison, 640 grams of salmon in two slices cost 125 DH, equivalent to 195–200 DH per kilogram. A 100-gram plain smoked salmon fillet from a local, eco-responsible farm is priced between 57 and 63 DH.
There are noticeable differences between trout caught in the wild and those farmed in natural environments. Leisure fishing enthusiasts can distinguish between the two, particularly by examining features like the eyes or gills.

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