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Cadi Tayeb Roudani, the man who first introduced the printing press to Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 12 - 2024

Morocco was one of the last Arab countries to adopt the printing press. The credit for bringing it to Morocco goes to Cadi Tayeb Roudani in 1864. However, shortly after its arrival, the printing press was confiscated by the Makhzen.
Getting Muslims and their scholars to change their stance on printing, as invented by Johann Gutenberg in 1445, was no easy task. Resistance lasted for nearly three centuries. In the region, the rulers of the Ottoman Empire only agreed to adopt this tool in 1728.
Morocco was no exception. Despite its proximity to Europe, the kingdom was one of the least influenced by the advances of its northern neighbors at the time, according to Mustafa Benomar El Maslouti. In his book, «Cadi Tayeb Ben Mohamed Tamli Roudani», the historian attributes this gap to the mistrust that characterized relations between the two shores, with Moroccan leaders focusing on managing domestic affairs and withdrawing from external developments.
Throughout the region, printing was introduced in Lebanon as early as 1583, Syria in 1706, Egypt in 1798, Algeria in 1830 with the French occupation, and Tunisia in 1860. Morocco, however, was one of the last countries to adopt the printing press, with its first model arriving in 1864.
The reasons for this delay are debated. According to Faouzi Abderrazak's «Le royaume du livre, l'Histoire de l'imprimerie au Maroc» (The Kingdom of the Book, the History of Printing in Morocco), some attribute it to religious concerns, particularly the fear of seeing the hadiths and the Quran distorted. Others argue it stemmed from a general hostility toward anything associated with the Christian world between the 15th and 19th centuries. Additionally, the reluctance of the printers themselves to adopt the new technology is also cited.
El Maslouti, however, suggests that the Makhzen (the central government) simply did not prioritize modern innovations, especially as border security became a pressing priority after the French occupation of Algeria and the defeat of the Moroccan army at the Battle of Isli (1844).
At the time, Morocco's central government did not recognize the scientific, academic, political, or economic importance of printing. Despite this, some members of the Makhzen were eager to introduce the printing press, especially after visiting European countries. Among them was Mohamed Seffar Tetouani, who served three sultans.
He described his stay in France after the defeat at Isli, where he noted that the printing house was «the most important» pillar of French civilization. Owned by the government, it employed «eight hundred busy workers», as per his enthusiastic description of the work organization.
Driss El Amraoui Fassi, author of «Touhfat al Malik Al Aziz bi Mamlakat Bariz» (Masterpiece to the Beloved King in the Kingdom of Paris), expressed his ambition to bring printing to Morocco after his trip to France in 1860. «This machine, used for printing, is widely applicable in all fields. It enables books to be produced and knowledge in the sciences to be multiplied. Its effect is obvious, and it has been adopted by all Islamic countries. Renowned scholars and notables have welcomed its use», he wrote.
A personal initiative
The calls for introducing printing to Morocco finally became effective in the mid-19th century, largely due to the personal initiative of Cadi Tayeb Roudani. According to several historical sources, after performing the pilgrimage in 1864, the judge passed through Egypt, where he purchased a lithographic machine. He made an agreement with Egyptian printer Muhammad Al-Qabbani to accompany him to Morocco and teach him the craft.
The two parties settled on a monthly salary and full support, including all amenities. The return to Egypt was also guaranteed.
In September 1864, the printing press was shipped from the port of Alexandria to Essaouira. From there, Roudani intended to take the machine to Taroudant. However, upon arrival, he encountered officials from the central government who came to confiscate the cargo. According to Faouzi Abderrazak, the Makhzen prevented the printing press from reaching Meknes, then the Sultan's capital.
As a result, the press was taken under the control of the Makhzen and moved from Meknes to Fez, where several workers, including the sons of notables, were appointed to run it. The Egyptian printer was brought in to train the staff.
Abderrazak notes that the central government tried to create new markets for books. To this end, Sultan Mohamed Ben Abderrahmane ordered his son, Moulay El Hassan, to open a book store in Marrakech, overseeing the distribution of books in the city and its provinces. Progress reports were submitted regularly by the prince.
Later, the central government regulated the printing sector, establishing supervision over the publication of books. On February 8, 1897, a decree was issued to regulate practices and protect publishers' rights.
Officials were assigned the task of reviewing and monitoring books before publication to ensure that they did not contain anything deemed contrary to morals and religion. The judge was also responsible for granting licenses to publishers and printers before any books could be published or distributed.
The Makhzen's interest in the printing press brought by Roudani persisted until the French colonization, when it was eventually abandoned in favor of more modern and diverse machines.

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