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Five iconic Moroccan sweet snacks and their nostalgic yet modern comeback
Publié dans Yabiladi le 15 - 12 - 2024

Five Moroccan sweet snacks are making a great comeback with edgy, youthful, and Gen Z-oriented ads. Let's discover how these five brands are blending nostalgia with a modern approach to captivate their fans.
Merendina : The Genoa of Moroccans
Merendina, which belongs to the multinational food giant Mondelēz, first appeared in Moroccan hanouts in the 1990s. We have all enjoyed snacking on the chocolate-coated Genoa during school breaks and on weekends with friends and family.
Today, the brand is experiencing a rebirth with a new advertisement campaign addressing the younger generation, using one central message: love. The Genoa brand maximized this message with heartwarming ads focusing on a daughter-father relationship. In a video that garnered 6.2 million views in just 11 months, Merendina tells the story of a schoolgirl and her father, a truck driver.
Their love language is Merendina gifting. For years, what the little girl couldn't voice to her father, she wrote on Merendina packages and kept in a box. Set to the mesmerizing voice of Morocco's sweetheart YouTuber Milfaya in a cover of a song by Oum, the ad emphasizes: It's never too late to say «Kanbghik» (I love you).
Raibi Jamila's knack for rap
To the OGs, whoever says Merendina also says Raibi Jamila. In their love-oriented ad campaign, Merendina even collaborated with Raibi Jamila, the most beloved snack partner to pair with Merendina.
Raibi Jamila, first marketed in 1966 by Centrale Laitière, has always been a favorite for younger clients, thanks to its pink grenade-flavored fermented milk. To stay competitive amidst new brands, Raibi Jamila decided to appeal to younger generations in a cooler way—through Moroccan rap. In an ad shared one year ago, Raibi Jamila chose famous rapper Dizzy Dros as its new face, representing the new generation. The video boasts 4.8 million views on YouTube, featuring Dizzy Dros transforming into Hulk, the Marvel character, when told Raibi Jamila is just like any other Raib.
For the summer, the brand relied on another rapper, with a song produced by Draganov for its summer ad campaign. The brand has also tried to connect with younger audiences by drawing inspiration from cool internet trends, including Moroccan contemporary photographer and artist Hassan Hajjaj, known for his offbeat portrait photographs.
Henry's : A sweet nostalgia
Henry's is one of the oldest sweets brands in Morocco. Its story began in 1929 with a small workshop where Mr. Henry introduced a biscuit sold in a returnable tin called a «demi-tine», a unit of measurement equivalent to 1.5 kg.
Generations grew up eating Henry's biscuits as a snack or afternoon treat with mint tea. But today, the brand is trying to break free from being perceived as a biscuit for older people. With several million units sold annually, Henry's has leveraged its history and nostalgia by launching a new product: a sandwich ice cream. As the name suggests, this treat sandwiches ice cream between two Henry's biscuits. Individually packaged, it's perfect for a quick snack or dessert, combining nostalgia with modern indulgence—a must-have for young people during summer or at the beach.
La Cigogne : The taste of the past
Other brands have risen from their ashes to bring a taste of the past. La Cigogne achieved this by relaunching its iconic Moroccan soda, first released in 1929. Once a top local brand in the 1970s and 1980s alongside Judor, La Cigogne made a comeback in 2024.
With a massive advertising campaign, the brand ensured every Moroccan knew it was back. Social media buzzed with videos of influencers and regular internet users trying the soda for the first time since its reappearance, evoking old memories. Its slogan, Makatnsach (Unforgettable), reflects its legacy.
Bubbaloo : The pink chewing-gum is back
Lastly, the iconic 1980s bubblegum Bubbaloo has returned to the Moroccan market. The pink gum, filled with a jelly-like liquid, now targets Gen Z with a subtle ad campaign.
The new slogan, Belbelha men Walou, celebrates its comeback, with ads featured on billboards and free samples distributed in Casablanca streets. Produced by Mondelēz, the campaign bridges generational nostalgia with modern slang, resonating with younger audiences. One short ad even shows a young girl using Bubbaloo nectar as lip gloss, blending humor and nostalgia.

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