On Tuesday, November 12, Morocco and Mauritania held the 5th session of the Joint Military Commission in Rabat. This has been an annual event since it was launched in the Kingdom's capital in January 2020. At this latest session, the FAR Inspector General, General Mohammed Berrid, and the Mauritanian Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces emphasized the «need to further consolidate cooperation between the two Armed Forces in terms of border security and the fight against immigration and illicit cross-border actions, thus contributing to stability in the region in order to be able to meet common challenges», says a communiqué from the FAR General Staff. The Mauritanian delegation also held talks in Rabat on Tuesday with the Minister Delegate in charge of National Defense Administration, Abdellatif Loudiyi, the same source added. Military cooperation between Morocco and Mauritania, initiated in 1971, was crowned in July 2006 by the signing in Rabat of a memorandum of understanding on the creation of the Joint Military Commission for the consolidation of bilateral relations in the field of defense. However, it has taken a long time to become operational.