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Wilders blames «Dutch Moroccans and Muslims» for Amsterdam violence
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 11 - 2024

In a parliamentary debate, PVV leader Geert Wilders blamed Dutch Moroccans and Muslims for violent clashes around the Maccabi Tel Aviv vs. Ajax match, calling it «Jew-hunting» and advocating for severe penalties, including revocation of citizenship for those with dual nationality.
During a Wednesday debate in the Dutch House of Representatives concerning the violent clashes before and after the Maccabi Tel Aviv vs. Ajax Amsterdam match last week, far-right PVV leader Geert Wilders, whose party recently won the Dutch elections, blamed the events on «Muslims, mostly Moroccans».
Known for his critical stance on the Dutch-Moroccan community and anti-immigration policies, Wilders stated on Wednesday, «We saw Muslims hunting Jews in the streets of Amsterdam, a pogrom of the worst kind».
In the parliamentary session, which included other PVV politicians, Wilders alleged that the perpetrators were «all Muslims» and «largely Moroccans», as reported live by the Dutch broadcaster NOS. Wilders expressed that it was a miracle no lives were lost, claiming, «Jews were beaten, stabbed, thrown into the water, and kicked in the face».
When confronted by Denk leader Van Baarle over inflammatory remarks made by some Maccabi fans, including anti-Arab slogans such as «It's good there are no more schools in Gaza, because the children have been killed», and reports that Israelis were seeking to «hunt Palestinians», Wilders condemned all forms of violence. However, he argued that these statements were not comparable to what he called «pure Jew-hatred and Jew-hunting» denouncing any comparison as «abject».
«Anti-Semitism to be added as grounds for revoking citizenship»
In the same debate, attended by Dutch Prime Minister Schoof, Justice and Security Minister Van Weel, and Interior Minister Uitermark, Wilders proposed that those involved in what he termed the «Jew hunt» should be prosecuted for «terrorism». He urged the prime minister to forward this to the Public Prosecution Service and called for dual-national perpetrators to have their Dutch nationality revoked, specifically referring to Moroccans. He also advocated for anti-Semitism to be added as grounds for revoking citizenship.
Wilders' statements and the parliamentary debate were preceded by a 12-page report released earlier this week by Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema. In her report on the violence surrounding the UEFA Europa League match between Ajax Amsterdam and Maccabi Tel Aviv, Halsema described the incidents as a «toxic cocktail of antisemitism, football hooliganism, and anger over the conflict in Palestine, Israel, and other parts of the Middle East».
Presenting her findings at an emergency city council meeting on Tuesday, Halsema acknowledged, «Injustice has been done to both Jews in our city and minorities who sympathize with the Palestinians». While she noted a fuller picture of Thursday's events had emerged, she stressed, «A call for a 'hunt for Jews' cannot be justified by anything that happened».
Among those detained were ten Israeli residents, marking the first official acknowledgment of Maccabi fans' involvement in the riots. The report also revealed that Amsterdam police had concerns about «fanatic» Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters the day before the match. Police records confirmed that Maccabi rioters, some wearing masks, took down a Palestinian flag, shouted slogans, and attacked a taxi with belts. Authorities later noted «online calls for taxi drivers to mobilize» against the Maccabi fans.
Following the clashes, the city imposed a ban on demonstrations to prevent further violence. Pro-Palestinian protests were also prohibited, with dozens of arrests made over the weekend for violating the ban. On Monday, however, riots broke out in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, where several dozen people caused destruction, threw heavy fireworks, and vandalized vehicles. A tram was set on fire after fireworks were thrown inside, and stones were hurled at a bus.
In the wake of Wilders' comments, Dutch-Moroccans expressed concern over the way politicians and media are portraying the incident. Many feel that Dutch Moroccans are being blamed for the clashes, as Israeli media, along with Dutch politicians and officials, have framed the incidents as «antisemitic», presenting Israeli fans as victims and Dutch Moroccans as aggressors.

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